Re: Core Model Clarification - Asset and Party

On 6 Sep 2014, at 03:54, Myles, Stuart <> wrote:

> “The Asset entity is aimed at identifying the content that is the subject of an ODRL policy, e.g. a media file or ebook. Furthermore, it can be used to represent other Asset entities that are needed to undertake the Policy expression, such as with the Duty entity. The Asset entity is referred to by the Permission and/or Prohibition entities, and also by the Duty entity.”
> So, is your proposal to revise the first sentence (“The Asset … e.g. a media file or ebook”) and to keep the other parts of the paragraph (“Furthermore, … and also by the Duty entity”)? If so, then I think it covers the full scope.

Yes, the proposal is to just update the first sentence.

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206

Received on Monday, 8 September 2014 01:29:39 UTC