Re: action-497 edits related to HTML defaults (actually only "elements within text" and "language information")

Hi Yves, all,

Am 02.05.13 13:20, schrieb Yves Savourel:
> Hi Felix, all,
>> In sec. 8.1 "Position, Defaults, Inheritance and Overriding of Data Categories"
>> Change the default value entry for "elements within text" to say
>> "for XML content: withinText=no. for HTML phrasing content: withinText=yes:
>> have a link from "phrasing content" to
> +1
> We just have to make sure we always point to the same HTML5 specification in all our spec.
> Currently [HTML5] seems to cite "at" but the link goes to
>> In sec. 8.7.1 "Definition" change
>> "The Elements Within Text data category can be expressed with global
>> rules, or locally on an individual element. There is no inheritance. The
>> default is that elements are not within text."
>> to
>> "The Elements Within Text data category can be expressed with global
>> rules, or locally on an individual element. There is no inheritance. The
>> default is that elements are not within text. For HTML phrasing content
>> the default is withinText=yes"
> +1
>> For language information I didn't see a statement about precedence. So
>> should we take what we have for language information
>> " If the attribute xml:id is present or id in HTML for the selected
>> node, the value of the xml:id attribute or id in HTML MUST take
>> precedence over the idValue value."
>> And add it to sec. 8.6.2 like this
>> " If the attribute xml:lang is present or lang in HTML for the selected
>> node, the value of xml:lang attribute or lang in HTML MUST take
>> precedence over the langRule value."
> Isn't this just re-stating the precedence of local markup over global rule?

You are rigth - but we wrote s.t. similar for "id Value" too
"If the attribute xml:id is present or id in HTML for the selected node, 
the value of the xml:id attribute or id in HTML MUST take precedence 
over the idValue value."

And I thought it might make things a bit clearer?



> cheers,
> -ys

Received on Thursday, 2 May 2013 19:49:59 UTC