RE: [ACTION-487][ISSUE-97][ISSUE--118] HTML5 Defaults

Hi Pablo,

> [PNC]: Yves, wrt Translate defaults, directly and indirectly 
> translatable attributes are by default translate=”yes”, and 
> the rest if not overridden are translate=”no” by default, 
> am I correct?

Hum... From the HTML5 defaults viewpoint (independent of ITS):
There are two kind of attributes: the ones that are translatable (directly or indirectly), e.g alt and the ones that are not translatable, eg. class.

If you add a translate='yes|no' in an element, this affects only the attributes that are translatable.
In other words: when using only the HTML5 default behavior, one cannot make a class attribute translatable for example (or a data-xyz).

How we make work ITS semantics with HTML5 is a separate question.

Now for attributes directly translatable and the attributes indirectly translatable:

I've introduced this distinction because I'm not sure how to define it another way. I suppose from a test viewpoint both types should be seen with translate='yes|no' in the test output file. So, for example, a onclick attribute is by default translatable.
But from a true processor viewpoint the 'indirectly translatable' attributes should be processed as translatable only if the processor knows how to switch filter and do a secondary parsing to look for translatable parts in the format of the given value/content, and that may or may not result in strings to translate.

Is that helping?


Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 12:41:40 UTC