Re: [Reminder] Response to your LC Comment -2417 on Media Ontology spec

The PLING does not agree with the outcome to keep both ma:policy and ma:copyright due to the inherit semantic overlap and potential for confusion.

However, we will not stop the LCWD from progressing to the next stage.


On 11 Oct 2010, at 18:07, Thierry MICHEL wrote:

> Dear Renato,
> The Media Annotations Working Group has responded (see email bellow) to the comments you sent [1] on the Last Call Working Draft [2] of the Ontlology for Media
> Resource 1.0 published on 08 June 2010.
> The deadline for responding to our proposal was October 09-oct-2010.
> We have not receive any message from you.
> If we don't get a response by the end of this week (Saturday 16th October), we will consider that you have fully agreed to our proposal.
> We can not delay more the publication track of the Ontology for Media
> Resource 1.0.
> Best,
> Thierry
> --------------
> Dear Renato,
> The Media Annotations Working Group has reviewed the comments you sent
> [1] on the Last Call Working Draft [2] of the Ontlology for Media
> Resource 1.0 published on 08 June 2010.
> Thank you for having taken the time to review the document and to send
> us comments.
> The Working Group's response to your comment is included below.
> Please review it carefully and *let us know by email at
> if you agree with it* or not before
> deadline date [09-oct-2010].
> In case of disagreement, you are requested to provide a specific
> solution for or a path to a consensus with the Working Group.
> If such a consensus cannot be achieved, you will be given the
> opportunity to raise a formal objection which will then be reviewed by
> the Director during the transition of this document to the next stage in
> the W3C Recommendation Track.
> Thanks,
> For the Media Annotations Working Group,
> Thierry Michel,
> W3C Team Contact
> 1.
> 2.
> -----------------
> MAWG Resolution:
> ------------------
> Proposed definition of ma:policy
> Thank you for this proposal, we agree that this is better than the
> current definition of ma:policy, which has a policy attribute that can
> be either a string or URI. We will adopt your proposed definition of
> ma:policy, and include your examples to illustrate the use of this property.
> - Recommended vocabulary for ma:policy.type
> We will add that it is recommended to use a subset of policy related
> terms of the Meta information from the XHTML Vocabulary [1] for
> ma:policy.type.
> - Overlap between ma:policy and ma:copyright
> We agree with your comment that there is an overlap between ma:copyright
> and the case of using the ma:policy element to express a copyright
> statement. The decision to keep ma:copyright despite this overlap was
> made for reasons of usability and compatibility with current industry
> practice, as discussed by David Singer on the mailing list (see thread
> starting with [2]). Given this requirement, the only option to
> completely avoid overlap would be to define ma:copyright and ma:policy
> as mutually exclusive, which we do not consider a good option, as it
> would rather discourage making use of ma:policy and providing more
> detailed information. ma:copyright and ma:policy can co-exist in an
> annotation to serve different needs, even if they are partially
> overlapping in some cases.
> [1]
> [2]


Renato Iannella

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2010 01:28:57 UTC