included the mapping formats in the mediaont-1.0 draft


I have included the list of formats in the mediaont-1.0 draft.

To do so, I have edited the "mediaont-1.0.xml" file and added the list 
of mapping formats linking to each sheet (each format) of the mapping table.
And have applied the xsl to generate the "overview.html"

I have also converted the XLS table file into a single HTML page (using 
Open Office 3.0) . This HTML page "mapping_table.html" includes all 
sheets, embedded into a proper publication rule W3C page.

But the HTML generated by Open Office is not valid HTML ;-( and I had to 
do some cleaning to have it validated by our HTML validator.

Result is available here


Received on Thursday, 19 March 2009 15:00:10 UTC