Re: Am I the only person on the LVTF who cannot follow the GitHub issue discussions?

Glenda's description captures my feelings, as well.

It can be hard, at times, to parse my sense of overwhelm, from other
concerns that I may be missing some info, etc.
                    Erich Manser                                                        
                    IBM Research                                                        
                    MA / tel:                                                           
                    Search for                                                          

You don't need eyesight to have vision.

From:	Glenda Sims <>
To:	Wayne Dick <>
Cc:	public-low-vision-a11y-tf <>
Date:	04/10/2017 01:44 PM
Subject:	Re: Am I the only person on the LVTF who cannot follow the
            GitHub  issue discussions?


I'll just say that the current volume and varied topics of discussion are
overwhelming to me.  I've had to pick and choose what I focus on, and I
filter out the rest.  My brain just can't handle it all.  In fact, I doubt
any single brain can handle it all.

Once I'm focused on what I want (for example, color contrast and
graphics/ui components), then it may take me a moment to gather everything
I need to look at in github (and elsewhere).

My biggest problem is...I just need a clone, or two or three.

glenda sims    |   team a11y lead   |    |    512.963.3773

web for everyone. web on everything. -  w3 goals

On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 12:12 PM, Wayne Dick <> wrote:
  Hi All,
  If I am the only person who cannot follow the issue lists. I complained
  privately but was told nobody else has complained.  I really have seen no
  improvement. The low vision lists are so wordy and multi-purpose I cannot
  follow then. Also, there seems to be no addressing system to follow.

  This week I cannot find the four statements of the Adaptive text SC.  So
  I cannot pick one. Maybe it is just me.

  If I'm the only one who is really lost completely let me know.

  I use github for code content management through my IDE doesn't pull
  issues through.  Does anyone have a decent way to use github for issues?


Received on Monday, 10 April 2017 21:07:12 UTC