Re: Percentages in Linked Data

Hi Frans,

On 24/06/13 17:37, Frans Knibbe | Geodan wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to publish some statistical data. A few of these numbers
> are percentages. What is the best way to make it clear to data consumers
> that the numbers are to be treated as percentages? As far as I can tell,
> the XSD data types do not suffice.

QUDT does include percent as a unit:

Assuming you are using the RDF Data Cube then you can use this as the 
value of unit of measure attribute (sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure).

If you are dealing with single measures or measure-dimension cubes that 
should be fine.

You are using multi-measure observations then life gets harder. In that 
case you might consider encoding your values as e.g. qudt:QuantityValues 
and attaching the unit of measure that way.


Received on Monday, 24 June 2013 17:32:46 UTC