Re: RDF, Linked Data etc : please ping me when it's over ...

On 6/19/13 12:37 PM, Barry Norton wrote:
> Will be, and yes. (Incidentally, they're SIOC-represented, but that's 
> probably obvious).
> Bit cagey as we've the project review this week, but more news will be 
> forthcoming.

Great! Just share relevant links when you're ready, this is will be 
ultra useful in many ways.

> Barry
> On 19/06/2013 17:23, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 6/19/13 11:47 AM, Barry Norton wrote:
>>> One thing that we're doing with EUCLID is to grab the RSS feed for 
>>> the W3C lists and tag them with a SKOS version of the topics in our 
>>> curriculum and expose this as SPARQL.
>> Nice idea.
>> Is this accessible from your SPARQL endpoint? In addition, are you 
>> considering publication of actual dumps?
>> Related:
>> 1. -- I always assumed a LOD variant would be a 
>> no-brainer
>> 2. -- a project associated with this effort 
>> via the use of SIOC.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Wednesday, 19 June 2013 18:15:00 UTC