Re: Representing NULL in RDF

1. Trivial Use Case:  If you ask my big sister's age, *you* are the dead person.  Her motto is "39 'till the end of time".
2. Wonky version (Autoclass (A Bayesian Classifier from NASA) documentation)
"Truncation error will often dominate measurement error.  Here the
classical example is human age: measurable to within a few minutes,
easily computable to within a few days, yet generally reported in years.
The reported value has been truncated to much less than its potential
precision.  Thus the error in that reported value is on the order of
half the least difference of the representation.  Truncation error can
arise from a variety of causes.  Its presence should be suspected
whenever measurements of intrinsically continuous properties are reported
as integers or limited precision floating point numbers."

Hope this helps.

----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Turner <>
To: 'Karl Dubost' <>; Juan Sequeda <>
Cc: public-lod <>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 5:35 AM
Subject: RE: Representing NULL in RDF

> Do dead persons have an age?

That depends. A body of a dead person belonged to a living person. The idea of a person can live on. Indeed there are still anniversary celebrations of famous people's life events. The work of a person can also live on. People are partly defined by their ideas and identity, but they are currently inherently linked to their body which is itself made of parts that are continually updating.

Toodle Pip!

Received on Friday, 14 June 2013 12:39:12 UTC