2nd CfP: The 4th Int. Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2013) at ISWC 2013


Call for Papers
4th International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD2013)
2013 Special Theme: Towards Industrial Linked Data Ecosystems


Co-located with:
12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013)
Sydney, Australia



The quantity of published Linked Data continues to increase. However, 
applications that exploit Linked Data are not yet widespread. Reasons 
may include a lack of suitable solutions for a number of open problems. 
The diversity and dynamics of LOD sources have brought new challenges in 
seamless data integration, dynamic discovery, provenance tracking, and 
quality assessment at the Web scale. Addressing these issues requires 
joint community efforts from both LOD provision and consumption 
perspectives, including the development and investigation of concepts 
that can lead towards the realisation of a sustainable Linked Data 
ecosystem. The objective of this workshop is to provide a focused venue 
for academic and industrial discussions on concepts, algorithms, 
infrastructure and tools (including systematic analysis and rigorous 
evaluation) that help to exploit Linked Data (and not just to produce it).

This years' edition of COLD is in association with Fujitsu and has a 
special theme, "Towards Industrial Linked Data Ecosystems", where we 
particularly encourage submissions that relate to applying Linked Data 
methodologies for industrial settings. However, papers on all aspects of 
consuming Linked Data are solicited.

For further information about the workshop, please contact the workshops 
chairs at cold.org.ws@googlemail.com


Relevant topics for COLD 2013 include but are not limited to:

* Live Linked Data (i.e., algorithms and applications that make use of 
Linked Data at runtime)
* Architectures for consuming Linked Data (e.g., Dataspaces, Cloud, NoSQL)
* Handling additional web data (e.g., microformats, microdata, 
schema.org, APIs, JSON, Open Graph Protocol, Twitter Cards...)
* Web scale data management (indexing, crawling, etc.)
* Query processing over multiple linked datasets and/or endpoints
* Search on the Web of Data
* Auto-discovery of URIs and data
* Caching and replication techniques
* Dataset dynamics
* Reasoning over Linked Data from multiple sources
* Information quality and trustworthiness of Linked Data
* User interface research for interaction with the Web of Data
* Integration of Linked Data sources
* Languages for navigating and consuming Linked Data
* Linked Data summarisation, data-guides, schema learning
* Sustainable Linked Data ecosystems for industrial/commercial settings


Paper deadline:                         Jul. 12
Final decision and notification:        Aug. 09
Camera ready:                           Aug. 25


We seek novel technical research papers in the context of consuming 
Linked Data with a length of up to 12 pages. Paper submissions must be 
formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Please submit your paper via EasyChair 
at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cold2013 Submissions that 
do not comply with the formatting of LNCS or that exceed the page limit 
will be rejected without review. The author list does not need to be 
anonymised, as we do not have a double-blind review process in place. 
Submissions will be peer reviewed by three independent reviewers. 
Accepted papers have to be presented at the workshop to be published in 
the proceedings. Proceedings will be published online at CEUR-WS. We 
also encourage supplementary web-based material (e.g., XHTML+RDFa 
versions of papers) to be submitted alongside PDFs. This material will 
be published on the workshop website.


Olaf Hartig - University of Waterloo, Canada
Juan Sequeda - University of Texas at Austin, USA
Aidan Hogan - DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
Takahide Matsutsuka - Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe, UK


Richard Cyganiak - DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
Nobuyuki Igata - Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd., Japan
Vit Novacek - DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland


Mathieu d'Aquin - Open University, United Kingdom
Cosmin Basca - University of Zurich
Christian Bizer - University of Mannheim
Gong Cheng - Nanjing University
Oscar Corcho - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Christina Feilmayr - Johannes Kepler University of Linz
Claudio Gutierrez - Universidad de Chile
Andreas Harth - AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Michael Hausenblas - MapR, Ireland
Ralf Heese - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Bo Hu - Fujitsu, United Kingdom
Katja Hose - Aalborg University
Haklae Kim - Samsung Electronics
Terunobu Kume - Fujitsu, Japan
Roger Menday - Fujitsu, United Kingdom
Adrian Mocan - SAP, Germany
Aisha Naseer - Fujitsu, United Kingdom
Alexandre Passant - seevl.net, MDG Web ltd
Giuseppe Pirró - KRDB, Free University of Bolzano
Axel Polleres - Siemens AG Österreich
Matthew Rowe - Lancaster University
Kai-Uwe Sattler - TU Ilmenau
Bernhard Schandl - Gnowsis.com
Stefan Schlobach - Vrije Universiteit, Netherland
Aibo Tian - University of Texas at Austin, USA
Raphael Troncy - EURECOM
Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche - Fujitsu, Ireland
Boris Villazón-Terrazas - iSOCO, Intelligent Software Components
Jun Zhao - University of Oxford


Web: http://db.uwaterloo.ca/cold2013/
Email: cold.org.ws@googlemail.com

Received on Monday, 10 June 2013 18:56:13 UTC