
>> a New Zealander and a Kiwifruit)
>> throws up a radio station, an animated cartoon and lots of wordnet links to a
>> juggle of plumbing but no juice.  No sign of
>> however
> Ah.
> We only look at the first n results from Sindice, and clearly kiwi is a
> popular name.
> Clicking on the sindice link will show you what we got.
> However, I see that using "kiwi bird" gives a decent return, so all is not
> lost.
> Best
> Hugh

we definitely have to improve here, luckly we know what's wrong and
what's next and its coming. the ranking works decently for some
entities but less for others.

a major fix of this hopefully before summer break

Received on Friday, 5 June 2009 03:10:13 UTC