On 30 May 2013, at 16:51, Arnaud Le Hors <lehors@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> It is important, especially that late in the process, to be as specific as possible when opening issues. As I said before I think the issue you raised is totally reasonable but as you entered it into the system you've made it much more general and less actionable.
> The issue shouldn't be entered as a question and shouldn't be open ended. Instead it should set what the problem is and include a proposal on how to address it. So, I suggest the following changes:
> Title: Requiring that an LDPR MUST declare its type is excessive
> Description:
> Section 4.1.5 of the specification states:
> "LDPRs MUST use the predicate rdf:type to represent the concept of type."
I think this is related to ISSUE-78 I opened on inferencing levels. If no inferencing
is required of the client, then section 4.1.5 can be justified very simply by reference
to this.
Social Web Architect