On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Pierre-Antoine Champin <
pierre-antoine.champin@liris.cnrs.fr> wrote:
> Hi Henry,
> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 9:47 PM, Henry Story <henry.story@bblfish.net>wrote:
>> A POST of a graph that contains the triple
>> <> a ldp:Container .
>> SHOULD/MUST create an ldp:Container
> yes
>> Question:
>> 1. Does a PUT of a graph that contains that triple create an
>> ldp:Container ?
>> 2. Does a PATCH that adds that triple turn that resource into an
>> ldp:Container ?
>> 3. Does a PATCH that removes that triple make that ldp:Container into a
>> simple LDPR ?
>> 4. if a POST were to append the posted graph to an LDPR would posting
>> that triple turn
>> that LDPR into an LDPC?
> Note that I'm not saying that the spec must forbid this, I'm only saying
> it should not mandate it.
I also think we should not mandate 1,2, and 3. I am trying to think of any
practical use-case where you have to convert a container into a resource
and vice versa. May be it is easier to think about a use-case where you
want to convert a LDPR into a LDPC but I couldn't think of a good one
yet. Henry, do you have one in your mind ?
Best Regards,