Asunción Gómez Pérez
charalampos Bratsas
Dave Lewis
Elena montiel
- Re: Proposed new chairs for the LD4LT community group
- Re: Proposed new chairs for the LD4LT community group
Ilan Kernerman
- RE: Proposed new chairs for the LD4LT community group
- RE: Proposed new chairs for the LD4LT community group
- TIAD 2019 final call for papers - extended submission deadline
John P. McCrae
Khalid Choukri
Marta Villegas
Milan Dojchinovski
Nancy Ide
Penny Labropoulou
Phil Ritchie
Philipp Cimiano
- Re: Proposed new chairs for the LD4LT community group
- Re: Proposed new chairs for the LD4LT community group