RE: Proposed new chairs for the LD4LT community group



Phil Ritchie
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Lewis <> 
Sent: Monday 11 February 2019 23:08
To: Linked Data for Language Technology Community Group <>
Subject: Proposed new chairs for the LD4LT community group

Hi all,

After being quiet for a long time, we have received the good news for the LD4LT community group that a new EU-funded project, Pret-A-LLOD, has just started working in this area with the goal to develop best practices and standards for the sustainable hosting of LLD-based NLP services, migration of language resources into Linked Data etc.

To facilitate the fruitful collaboration of Pret-A-LLOD with LD4LT, I would as a chair like to propose that John McCrae, Christian Chiarcos, Jorge Gracia and Philip Cimiano be accepted as additional chairs of the community group.

I would appreciate it if you could send any expressions for support or objection to the list, or if you prefer to me directly, by midnight UTC on the 25th February. I will then report back at that point.

In the mean time I would invite John, Christian, Jorge and Philip to volunteer any additional information about their plans that may be of interest to group members.

Kind Regards,


Dave Lewis, Associate Director Spokes

ADAPT Centre
O'Reilly Building
Trinity College Dublin 
Dublin 2, Ireland 

p: +353 (0) 1 896 8428

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2019 09:55:58 UTC