gap-analysis comparison on JAGAT slide at Feb., as sample (was: Re: JLReq TF meeting notes, 2019 March 12th)

> 村上さん
 添付にJAGATの2月の講演 [1] から抜いたリストと対応表を(仮)に作ってみました。

> みなさま


> To Murakami-san
   Attached is a (tentative version of) comparison matrix between existing sectioning of gap-analysis
and a list of CSS properties in list for JAGAT at Feb.

> To all
   I've thought of this kind of matrix at the meeting. how about?


On 2019/04/15 04:48, Yasuo Kida wrote:
>   * Gap Analysis
>       o *宿題*
>           + 下の4つのgap analysis の比較を行う(村上さん)
>               # JAGAT の gap analysis (4/17 に次のミーティング)

>>   * Gap Analysis
>>       o *Action items*
>>               # The gap analysis JAGAT is working on (the next meeting is on 4/17).

Received on Monday, 15 April 2019 04:12:24 UTC