RE: Sibe Range Head Forms, Postional Forms, Variant Forms - Final Looks

Thanks Siqin for the research on this.
If you could appreciate Professor Kuribayashi for the group also, that would be good.
So, we may actually have an MVS-A, MVS-E in Manchu?!
Comments further ...

Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: Sibe Range Head Forms, Postional Forms, Variant Forms - Final Looks
I means manchu and not sibe.
But 185D used in both sibe and manchu.
I receive this document from Professor Kuribayashi (Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University, Japan).
When I develop a manchu keyboard layout for him, he wanted to add MVS.
He says, There is no grammar rule using MVS in manchu.
But there is usage of MVS like words in early manchu documents.


Received on Thursday, 22 October 2015 15:42:56 UTC