from April to June 2022 by subject

agenda+ : IETF: draft-ietf-core-problem-details-07

agenda+ [Internationalization WG] Draft - TPAC 2022 Groups schedule

agenda+ Add commentary to 9.3 Working with personal names

agenda+ Changes to specdev checklists

agenda+ RTL scripts update (draft)

agenda+ WebGPU

agenda+ Wide review for RTL rendering of LTR scripts

agenda+ WOT "minimum locale support"

Daily github digest (WG INTERNAL review issues)

Event Invitation: W3C Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

Event Updated: W3C Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

I18N-ACTION-1137: Summarize to personalization-semantics our position

I18N-ACTION-1138: Check indexeddb issues

I18N-ACTION-1139: Convert ruby terminology to wiki page for direct comments and track progress for i18n

I18N-ACTION-1140: Add screen capture to list of specs in tag issue

I18N-ACTION-1141: Propose text with r12a and respond to issue #996

I18N-ACTION-1142: Replace developing-specs with links to specdev and publish updated specdev

I18N-ACTION-1143: Triage specdev issues

I18N-ACTION-1144: Review webidl#996 and make a proposal

I18N-ACTION-1145: Create a repo for new version of 'timezone'

I18N-ACTION-1146: Review handling of tracker prs vs. needs-resolution issues

I18N-ACTION-1147: Double-check css-variables issues and ensure labels are correct for tracker

I18N-ACTION-1148: Update short review checklist to contain all text and links

I18N-ACTION-1149: Send email to the list with links to specdev changes and parent issues as homework

I18N-ACTION-1150: Create new checklist handling in specdev

I18N-ACTION-1151: Fill in tpac logistics survey

I18N-ACTION-1152: Set up tpac calls for tue/thurs at usual times and corresponding wiki pages

I18N-ACTION-1153: Review wot-discovery and our comment #1522 for service name restrictions in iana

I18N-ACTION-1154: Look into unicode support in ecma-262 as referenced by wot-description

I18N-ACTION-1155: Make review of manifest document (add link) homework

I18N-ACTION-1156: Update wot-discovery our #1522

I18N-ACTION-1157: Create jlreq-d repo

I18N-ACTION-1158: Create issues against wicg/manifest-incubations in our repo for review

I18N-ACTION-1159: Respond to our issue 1552 (editing 278)

I18N-ACTION-1160: Add exemplary list of names to specdev

I18N-ACTION-1161: Reply to coga issues from telecon saying we're satisfied

I18N-ACTION-1162: Publish updated rtl languages article

I18N-ACTION-1163: Respond to dxwg#959

I18N-ACTION-1164: Respond to string-search#10

I18N-ACTION-1165: Write to unicode edcom about the unicode_web faq and start revision process

I18N-ACTION-1166: Make pr in specdev defining whitespace with help from addison and richard

I18N-ACTION-1167: Reply to tpac organizers to ensure room sizes (we will visit others)

I18N-ACTION-1168: Publish qa-ltr-scripts-in-rtl for wide review

Weekly github digest (I18n repos)

Weekly github digest (Review comments)

Weekly github digest (Tracker items)

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2022 14:52:51 UTC