Re: proposal: have W3C HTML5 reference dated WHATWG URL standard rather than W3C copy

On Thursday 2014-09-25 18:07 +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:
> On 25/09/2014 17:46 , Steve Faulkner wrote:
> >Ho hum, missed that assumed tantek's proposal was pointing to a good
> >faith snapshot.
> Please don't ascribe to malice, etc. People are trying to figure out
> a title that can be friendly to all. Experimenting in the snapshot
> itself is unfortunate, but I wouldn't read that much into it.

Yes.  (At least, I wasn't previously aware how the title was

Please assume instead that a new snapshot were published with the
revised title (which I suppose would be what is needed to actually
edit the title), and patent commitments re-obtained for the revised
snapshot (with the title revision).


π„ž   L. David Baron                  𝄂
𝄒   Mozilla                   𝄂
             Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
             What I was walling in or walling out,
             And to whom I was like to give offense.
               - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2014 17:11:53 UTC