RE: using strong to indicate a title?

Léonie Watson, Tue, 7 May 2013 16:08:14 +0100:
> Ian Devlin wrote:
>> “I don't like the use of <small> as its current definition is to represent
>> "side comments" which a subtitle would not be (it's more important than
>> that). I know that we can of course change the meaning of the element in 
>> specification, but as Mallory says for <strong>, this would mean changing
>> the meaning of this element again.”
> I agree that re-purposing existing elements is often fraught. I still wonder
> whether a purpose built element might be the answer?

While <small> should not be changed to mean "subtitle", I believe that 
it can occur inside <hx>heading</hx> element. Already, the spec says 
that <small> can occur inside a <em> or <strong>:

]] In this last example, the small element is marked as being
   important small print.
   <p><strong><small>Continued use of this service will result 
                     in a kiss.</small></strong></p> [[

So why could not <small> occur inside a <hx>heading</hx>? I believe it 
could, but it does not to have dedicated subtitle meaning. The <br> 
could be used to to place the <small>subtitle</small> on its own line: 
<h1>Foo <br/><small>Subtitle</small></h1>.

Of course, this only fits the use case where the subtitle should go 
into the outline, as part of rest of the heading.
leif h silli

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2013 15:48:35 UTC