Re: Google and MPEG LA Announce Agreement Covering VP8 Video Format

Glenn Adams:
> On the other hand, if Google were to grant a sub-license to the W3C and the
> Web Community that meets the W3C PP, then that might be sufficient cause to
> re-open this issue.

"The arrangement with MPEG LA and 11 patent owners grants a license to
Google and allows Google to sublicense any techniques that may be
essential to VP8 and are owned by the patent owners; we may sublicense
those techniques to any VP8 user on a royalty-free basis. The techniques
may be used in any VP8 product, whether developed by Google or a third
party or based on Google's libvpx implementation or a third-party
implementation of the VP8 data format specification. It further provides
for sublicensing those VP8 techniques in one successor generation to the
VP8 video codec.

We anticipate having the terms of our sublicense ready in the next few
weeks. When those terms are ready we will blog about them here, so watch
this space."

(But we still need to protect the open web against DRM ;-)


Received on Friday, 8 March 2013 18:54:25 UTC