- From: John Foliot <john@foliot.ca>
- Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 13:25:38 -0800
- To: "'Andreas Kuckartz'" <A.Kuckartz@ping.de>, "'Glenn Adams'" <glenn@skynav.com>
- Cc: "'Steve Faulkner'" <faulkner.steve@gmail.com>, "'HTMLWG WG'" <public-html@w3.org>
Andreas Kuckartz wrote: > > (But we still need to protect the open web against DRM ;-) > Not looking to re-open an existing rift here, but not everyone believes that content protection and "the open web" is incongruous. Failing to recognize a real need and existing problem (both social and technical) by dismissing the issues as "DRM is evil" does nothing to reconcile the needs of all stake-holders party to this discussion. I respect your right to an opinion, but not everyone shares that opinion. Thanks in advance for keeping this list politics free. Respectfully, JF
Received on Friday, 8 March 2013 21:26:22 UTC