Re: CfC: Create Media Task Force

On 14.04.2012 23:59, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> Objection: I object to this task force being
> named the "HTML WG Media Task Force", as
> this implies their area of responsibility would
> be all HTML Media work. ...
> I previously suggested "HTML WG Encrypted Media
> Task Force" and no one objected to this alternate
> name. Changing the name would remove my objection.

I agree that "Media Task Force" is not appropriate. But "Encrypted Media
Task Force" also is not appropriate for the same reason.

The Task Force (if it is created at all) should be named in a way which
does not hide the real intentions. Two suggestions:
- Content Protection Task Force
- DRM Task Force

One could think of even more appropriate names, but they certainly would
have no chance of adoption, for example:
- Protecting Content from Users Task Force
- Broken By Design Task Force


Received on Sunday, 15 April 2012 15:44:27 UTC