Re: hgroup

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 14:12, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:
>> If anyone actually wants hgroup back (as in, actually included in the spec, not just dropped via a different process), they can submit a revert request, or escalate the bug to an issue. If no one objects, the chairs will assume there is consensus on this change.
> Sigh.  I request a revert.  We shouldn't be making changes to the spec
> (even just the W3C version) solely for appeasement purposes.

I second that request.

The removal of hgroup smells (unscientifically) like the voice of
armchair complainers with time on their hands being considered more
strongly than the (implied, often quiet because they don't have time
to engage in trollish forums) voice of web developers / designers that
are (may be) likely using such features. Not in all cases, just
overall. To be clear: this an impression and not meant to direct or
imply criticism of any particular individual in this forum.

I also speak from anecdotal positive personal experience having given
several HTML5 workshops and talks teaching/demonstrating use of new
HTML5 markup including <hgroup>, including mention/documentation in a
book[1] (though I believe all "how to write" HTML5 books provide
documentation of how and when to use hgroup, and *know* that a few
others "Introducing HTML5", "HTML5 for web designers" do).



Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2011 21:35:47 UTC