Re: ISSUE-27(rel-ownership) Call for Change Proposal advocates

Jonas wrote:
>>> In the meeting last week Jonas Sicking volunteered to write a change
>>> proposal for using As "new information" the
>>> experience with the IETF/IANA was cited.
>> Do we have a target date for this?
> I can do this by the end of the week.

Sam wrote:

> Unless you say something stronger, I will interpret this input as you
> are OK with any survey as long as it contains at least one of the
> three choices (#2 and #3 above as well as the one that Jonas writes).

In that case, I'll go on record as being an advocate for Jonas' use-the-
microformats-wiki proposal. The Microformats community has an excellent
track record in this area—I see no reason to construct another registry
when we already have one with such as track record.


Received on Thursday, 11 November 2010 18:32:06 UTC