FYI for minutes: irc - [18:05] <Zakim> + +1.613.998.aabb

Hi all;


[18:05] <Zakim> + +1.613.998.aabb

is me. (John A. Stewart - Web3D Consortium)

I can not get the irc running through my work firewall, so I can only  
see the html-ized logs.

I have attempted more than once to get Zakim to mate my telephone  
number with my name via the link:

but it does not appear that I have got the correct incantation yet. I  
will keep trying to get this done.

John A. Stewart
Team Leader: Networked Virtual and Augmented Reality

Network Systems and Technologies -
         Systemes et technologies des reseaux
Communications Research Centre Canada  |
          Centre de recherches sur les communications Canada

3701 Carling Ave.  |  3701, avenue Carling
PO Box 11490, Station H  |  CP 11490, succursale H
          Ottawa ON K2H 8S2   |  Ottawa (Ontario) K2H 8S2

Received on Thursday, 21 January 2010 17:34:34 UTC