Legacy Doctype and Doctype Versioning

I gave myself ACTION-172 to insure the Change Proposal for ISSUE-4 also addressed and included the rationale for addressing ISSUE-84, due January 27 (two weeks from when I offered.)

This is logically an action more on ISSUE-84 than on ISSUE-4 (although I also need to make some updates on ISSUE-4), but I marked ISSUE-84 as OPEN (rather than RAISED) now that there is a concrete proposal to address it.

In http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2010Jan/0060.html, Maciej pointed out:

# A consequence of this is that under your Change Proposal, documents
# that trigger quirks mode would be conforming. Is that an intended
# consequence? I think it is a desirable and intended feature of the
# current spec that quirks mode documents are nonconforming.

The goal I have in mind for the change proposal is to allow previously conforming content to remain conforming (in the spirit of the resolution of ISSUE-53 (mediatypereg). Insofar as quirks mode documents were not conforming to HTML4, then they should remain non-conforming. And previously conforming standards mode documents should remain conforming.

Are there documents that are conforming to HTML 4.01 but are also "quirks mode"?


Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2010 00:33:00 UTC