Re: Microdata vocabulary specifications

Toby Inkster wrote:
> ...
> An empty <atom:author> could be provided by the algorithm, though this 
> by itself is not useful. <link rel="author" could be used to add an
 > ...

An empty atom:author element doesn't make the Atom feed conforming.

 > ...
> <atom:url> or <atom:email> to the <atom:author>.
> That said, the weak semantics of rel="author" become a slight problem 
> here. If there are multiple rel="author" links, does that indicate 
> multiple authors, or multiple links for the same author, or even several 
> authors each with several links?

Well, there's also meta/@name=author, but that would also need to be 
pulled into HTML5, and require clarification on the format (multiple 
instances, delimiters...).

BR, Julian

Received on Monday, 5 October 2009 07:27:14 UTC