Requirements for testsuite

Hi all,

It was suggested on IRC the other day [1] that there needs to be someone 
to step up and take on co-ordinating the test suite in the WG.  I 
volunteered, and have since started the wiki page at to track requirements 
and non-requirements for a testsuite.

Please feel free to edit the wiki page to add requirements or discuss 
them here.  The existing requirements are fairly basic, so I'd 
appreciate input from people who are likely to contribute tests.

At the moment I'm thinking a distributed version control system, such as 
git or mercurial, would be a good choice for managing tests, since I 
expect some amount of churn in directory structure, and CVS is terrible 
at handling that.  Any additional feedback on this issue from people who 
are going to be working with tests would be much appreciated.



Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2009 15:38:31 UTC