Re: Registering the about: URI scheme

Joseph A Holsten wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Julian,
> Everything sounds fine, some questions inline.
> Julian Reschke wrote:
>> - on the front page, note where feedback should go (IMHO the best 
>> place would be the IETF uri-review mailing list)
> I haven't seen any other draft do this, so I'm unsure of where should 
> this go. Abstract? uri-review sounds fine. Too bad the place is a spam

Example: <>
(so after the Abstract).

> haven:

AFAIK, only the archive is being spammed (and somebody is working on
fixing this).

> ...
>> - "About URIs are always escaped, as per [RFC3986]" - that's kind of 
>> misleading; either remove it, or clarify what you mean by that.
> tag URI (RFC4151) says "In the interests of tractability to humans, tags 
> SHOULD NOT be minted with percent-encoded parts.  However, the tag 
> syntax does allow percent-encoded characters in the "pchar" elements". 
> Will that do?

Yes. I'd just relax the "SHOULD NOT" to something like "is discouraged".

> ...

BR, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 14:13:17 UTC