funding from Adobe to work on HTML 5 authoring materials

As I mentioned a while ago*, my W3C position is half time
effective the 1st of Feb. I'm happy to let you know that
Adobe has agreed to fund the other half of my time for
the next 6 months to a year.

Specifically, quoting from the contract:

"The consultant will be responsible for creating and filling the
editor’s position of an HTML 5 Authoring
Specification under the aegis of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
The intent is to have Adobe
provide necessary funding to hire an independent neutral, widely
respected, and technically competent
editor for this specification, to offload the current editor, Ian
Hickson, allowing him (Hickson) to develop
a browser implementation specification."

I interpret the term "HTML 5 Authoring Specification" pretty
broadly; i.e. mostly tutorials and guides. I lean toward test
materials as my way of contributing normative materials to
this group's deliverables.

While I will naturally have more contact with people from Adobe
as a result of this contract, they are *not* funding me to
represent Adobe's interests in this working group. Regardless, this
is clearly a "significant relationship" in terms of W3C's conflict
of interest policy**.

I hope I have your support in "creating and filling the
editor's position"; I haven't been appointed yet. That's
up to the chairs***, and I don't expect them to appoint
me until I/we have written something that the WG supports

* W3C budget and my availability 24 Oct 2008

** 3.1.1 Conflict of Interest Policy

*** 7.8 General Information about Technical Reports

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Friday, 23 January 2009 15:30:19 UTC