Re: ISSUE-59: normative-language-reference FPWD

Karl Dubost wrote:
> Le 23 janv. 2009 à 07:05, James Graham a écrit :
>> The markup language spec duplicates material that is already in the 
>> HTML 5 spec. My understanding is that a FPWD puts a document on the 
>> REC track so I presume it would be expected to be a largely normative 
>> document.
> no. A document which is published as first WD can become a W3C Note as 
> well.

Ah, it seems that I did not read the process document closely enough. 

As I previously said, if the intent is to end up with a non-normative 
document, I do not have general objections to publishing (although I may 
have specific comments on the document itself of course). Otherwise, my 
previous points stand.

Received on Friday, 23 January 2009 12:57:33 UTC