Review of xhtml-media-types

> Larry, have you reviewed the xhtml-media-types draft?
> At a glance, it seems to overlap with RFC2854.

I looked at the XHTML media types document, and while there's may be some overlap, I didn't see a conflict.

RFC 2854 defines the text/html Internet media type, and is thus a technical specification, along with the other technical specifications that define the related application/xhtml+xml etc. media types.

The xhtml-media-types draft gives some advice to senders (web sites, email sending clients) about which media type to use in what circumstance.

As such, it's seems more like an applicability statement and implementation advice. There would be a conflict if the xhtml-media-type draft advised the use of Internet media types inappropriately, but I didn't find any such conflict, at least in my brief review.


Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 23:34:43 UTC