Re: What's the problem? "Reuse of 1998 XHTML namespace is potentially misleading/wrong"

Sam Ruby wrote:

 > This is meant to be a diff(XHTML2,HTML5).  Both vocabularies differ from
 > HTML4.  Obviously, I have an opinion as to which differs by more, and
 > whether such differences are warranted, but for the moment, I'm simply
 > trying to establish the case that no matter what the history and
 > motivations are in this case, the place that we are destined to arrive
 > at should we continue the current course and speed is two incompatible
 > Recommendations.
 > So XHTML2 differs from HTML5, and HTML5 differs from XHTML2 is all that
 > I am trying to establish at this point.

OK, but "<label>

     * Used as both a list label and as an XForms control label."

fails to clarify which uses it as a list label and which is
an XForms control label. (Some other points have the same

 > I thought I said that that I intended to do exactly that?

I didn't reach that conclusion on a first reading, and
even on a second reading it is less than clear.

 > And if we can avoid righteous finger pointing,

By far the most important point, IMHO.

 > the fact that these two
 > Working Groups are not coordinating our efforts is also something that I
 > doubt anybody would care to dispute.

It /may/ be that they (XHTML2) believe they have sought input
from this WG, and that that input was not forthcoming.  The
only way we can be sure is by asking them.  There are
certainly analogous situations in other WGs.

Received on Thursday, 12 February 2009 15:43:30 UTC