Re: [whatwg] Video codec requirements changed

On 12 Jan 2008, at 15:09, Yann wrote:

> Having at least one codec that MUST be supported by the browser is  
> the only
> way to make it possible to publish video content available to all  
> platforms.

No, it isn't. It makes the naïve assumption that all browsers will do  
what the spec says — if there is a substantial risk involved (in this  
case, financial, in terms of patent law-suits) an implementer will  
ignore the spec.

> This would make it possible for any web developer to integrate video  
> in his
> web page, whatever the platform he is working on, and make it  
> possible for
> anybody to read that page, thus enabling full interoperability -  
> which this
> is all about, isn't it?

There is no question that we need interoperability (for what point is  
there of a spec existing if it isn't implemented?), but it is plainly  
clear that Theora does not create this needed interoperability, as not  
all implementers will implement it.

Geoffrey Sneddon

Received on Saturday, 12 January 2008 16:15:53 UTC