Re: SURVEY: Release "HTML 5" specification as a W3C Working Draft? ISSUE-19

Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> Could you please remind members of the WG whether the Design 
> Principles have yet been formally agreed and/or published ?

As I'm sure you are well aware, the design principles have been 
published as a working draft [1].  While there are still improvements to 
be made and they do not yet have full support from the entire working 
group, the present status of the design principles should not hold up 
publication of the spec as a First Public Working Draft.

Keep in mind that as a FPWD, the spec is still considered unstable and 
any changes required as a result of changes to the design principles can 
be reflected in subsequent drafts.  It will, however, become more 
important to stabilise the design principles as the spec itself 
approaches a more stable and mature state, such as LC or CR.


Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2008 00:13:42 UTC