- From: Henri Sivonen <hsivonen@iki.fi>
- Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 10:24:37 +0300
- To: HTML WG <public-html@w3.org>
To get data for assessing how well the drafted conformance requirements fit existing practice, I validated 516875 Web documents with the Validator.nu engine. The set of pages consisted of a biased random sample of pages provided by Google. The bias emphasised non-root pages and diversity, to avoid multiple pages from the same site. At most one page per host name was examined. The pages were downloaded with the UA string "Mozilla/5.0 (automated dmoz downloader)". (These pages weren't from dmoz. That string had just stuck in the downloader code.) Only text/html pages with response code 200 were considered. There was a bias in favor of fast sites with small files; only pages with size up to 1 MB were considered and the server had to respond in 5 seconds and not take more than 5 seconds between TCP packets. Tree builder-level doctype errors didn't count (since it's obvious that most pages don't have the HTML5 doctype yet). The absence of alt did not count as an error. The presence of non-ASCII characters in URLs on non-UTF-8 pages didn't count as an error. Unlike Validator.nu, this validation harness did not stop at non-streamable errors. Also, the full encoding sniffing capability of the parser was in use. A given post-consolidation (look for "(consolidated)" below) error message was counted at most once per page. Parse errors and validation errors were tracked separately. When a page had no parse errors, a special "NO PARSE ERRORS" message was counted. When a page had no validation layer errors, a special "NO VALIDATION ERRORS" message was counted. When it had neither, *also* a message "NEITHER ERRORS" was counted. Errors with below 0.0001 incidence are omitted from this report. I will reply to this message with further analysis. 0.5932 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.5547 Attribute “cellspacing” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.5469 Attribute “cellpadding” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.5315 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.5079 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.4676 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.4428 Attribute “language” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.4268 The internal character encoding declaration must be the first child of the “head” element. 0.4172 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.4156 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.4120 Text after “&” did not match an entity name. Probable cause: “&” should have been escaped as “&”. 0.3415 The “font” element is obsolete. 0.3185 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.3100 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.2872 NO PARSE ERRORS 0.2592 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.2407 Attribute “color” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.2347 Attribute “size” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.2191 Attribute “bgcolor” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.2105 Attribute “size” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.2105 Attribute “bgcolor” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.2079 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.2049 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.1943 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”. 0.1813 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.1805 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.1769 The “center” element is obsolete. 0.1713 Attribute “face” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.1650 Attribute “topmargin” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.1569 Attribute “leftmargin” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.1494 Attribute “frameborder” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.1413 Attribute “background” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.1383 Attribute “bgcolor” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.1361 Attribute “scrolling” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.1226 Duplicate ID (consolidated). 0.1200 Attribute “marginheight” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.1192 Attribute “marginwidth” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.1166 Unclosed elements. 0.1156 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.1104 Attribute “marginwidth” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.1102 Attribute “marginheight” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.1061 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0979 Attribute “link” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0961 Attribute “vlink” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0934 No “p” element in scope but a “p” end tag seen. 0.0930 Attribute “nowrap” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0913 Attribute “text” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0910 Table column 2 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0851 No space between attributes. 0.0794 Required attributes missing on element “object”. 0.0785 “body” start tag found but the “body” element is already open. 0.0778 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “iframe”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0766 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “iframe”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead. 0.0753 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0738 Stray end tag “embed”. 0.0715 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0714 Attribute “classid” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0705 Attribute “codebase” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0694 Stray end tag “head”. 0.0688 Attribute “background” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0671 Attribute “alink” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0667 Attribute “hspace” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0628 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0625 Stray end tag “form”. 0.0579 Entity reference was not terminated by a semicolon. 0.0568 The “u” element is obsolete. 0.0558 Required children missing from element “html”. 0.0558 Element “frameset” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “html”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0549 Stray end tag “div”. 0.0538 Attribute “vspace” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0531 Attribute “bgcolor” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0516 Attribute “bordercolor” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0512 End tag “div” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0505 Required children missing from element “head”. 0.0488 “=” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value. 0.0473 Element “link” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0472 Attribute “background” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0471 Start tag “form” seen in “table”. 0.0450 Stray end tag “td”. 0.0446 No element “a” to close. 0.0404 Stray end tag “span”. 0.0394 End tag for “body” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0374 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0373 Stray end tag “img”. 0.0369 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0361 Attribute “clear” not allowed on element “br” at this point. 0.0360 Stray “html” start tag. 0.0354 No element “font” to close. 0.0353 Attribute “rightmargin” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0351 Saw “<?”. Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) 0.0340 Required attributes missing on element “area”. 0.0336 Stray “script” start tag. 0.0335 Attribute “accesskey” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0329 Required children missing from element “dl”. 0.0324 Attribute “size” not allowed on element “hr” at this point. 0.0314 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0303 Table column 4 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0302 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0297 Stray end tag “tr”. 0.0292 An “a” start tag seen with already an active “a” element. 0.0289 Element “link” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0289 Consecutive hyphens did not terminate a comment. “--” is not permitted inside a comment, but e.g. “- -” is. 0.0279 Self-closing syntax (“/>”) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag. 0.0275 Attribute “profile” not allowed on element “head” at this point. 0.0275 Attribute “bottommargin” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0270 End tag “a” violates nesting rules. 0.0265 Attribute “summary” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0262 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0262 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0253 “script” element between “head” and “body”. 0.0250 “td” start tag in table body. 0.0247 Internal encoding declaration “iso-8859-1” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“utf-8”). 0.0243 End tag “font” violates nesting rules. 0.0239 Attribute “web:culture” not allowed on element “html” at this point. 0.0239 Attribute “content” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0236 Stray start tag “head”. 0.0236 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “disabled” on element “input”. 0.0229 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0227 Table columns in range 2…3 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0224 Saw “"” when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: “=” missing immediately before. 0.0224 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0217 End tag for “p” seen, but there were unclosed elements. 0.0209 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “hr” at this point. 0.0208 Required attributes missing on element “style”. 0.0208 Required attributes missing on element “img”. 0.0208 Quote “"” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier. 0.0198 End of file seen and there were open elements. 0.0198 Attribute “allowtransparency” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0196 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0194 Element “noframes” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “html”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0192 Element “meta” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0191 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0187 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0175 Table column 3 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0173 Stray end tag “html”. 0.0172 Attribute “color” not allowed on element “hr” at this point. 0.0171 When the attribute “xml:lang” in no namespace is specified, the element must also have the attribute “lang” present with the same value. 0.0171 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0169 Start tag for “head” seen when “head” was already open. 0.0169 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0168 Bogus comment. 0.0167 Attribute “hidefocus” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0164 Attribute “index” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0163 Table cell spans past the end of its row group established by a “tbody” element; clipped to the end of the row group. 0.0163 Stray end tag “table”. 0.0160 Row 1 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0160 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0158 Stray end tag “body”. 0.0156 Element “title” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0154 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0151 Stray end tag “center”. 0.0150 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0145 Row 3 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0142 Attribute “noshade” not allowed on element “hr” at this point. 0.0139 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “iframe”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0139 A slash was not immediate followed by “>”. 0.0134 End tag “b” violates nesting rules. 0.0133 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0133 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “iframe”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0133 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0133 Attribute “abbr” not allowed on element “th” at this point. 0.0132 Attribute “hspace” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0131 Attribute “vspace” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0130 No element “b” to close. 0.0128 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0126 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “th” at this point. 0.0126 Attribute “value” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0125 Stray doctype. 0.0125 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: PORT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_WELL_KNOWN in PORT. 0.0124 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0124 Attribute “bordercolor” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0123 Text not allowed in element “script” in this context. 0.0121 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0120 Attribute “scheme” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0118 Row 2 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0118 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0116 A numeric character reference expanded to the C1 controls range. 0.0115 NO VALIDATION ERRORS 0.0115 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in SCHEME. 0.0114 Stray end tag “input”. 0.0114 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0114 Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0111 Required attributes missing on element “meta”. 0.0111 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0110 Attribute “sohu3” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0110 Attribute “pdt” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0110 Attribute “param” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0110 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “th” at this point. 0.0107 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0105 Attribute “themeid” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0103 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0103 Element “link” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0103 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0100 “"” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value. 0.0100 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “iframe”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead. 0.0098 The “for” attribute of the “label” element must refer to a form control. 0.0098 Duplicate attribute “id”. 0.0098 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in PATH. 0.0097 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0097 Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “html” at this point. 0.0097 Attribute “content” not allowed on element “html” at this point. 0.0097 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “h1” at this point. 0.0096 Table columns in range 4…6 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0096 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “new” used. 0.0094 Attribute “type” not allowed on element “textarea” at this point. 0.0093 Duplicate attribute “onclick”. 0.0093 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0092 Element “li” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0091 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0091 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “hr” at this point. 0.0090 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0088 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “th” at this point. 0.0087 NEITHER ERRORS 0.0087 Malformed byte sequence. 0.0086 Bad character “<” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0086 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0085 A table row was 4 columns wide, which is less than the column count established using column markup (5). 0.0084 Element “spaces:layout” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0083 Attribute “nb:importance” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0083 Attribute “bv:cns” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0082 End tag “center” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0080 Stray end tag “noscript”. 0.0080 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead. 0.0080 Bad character “ ” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0080 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “th” at this point. 0.0080 Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0079 Attribute “hb:hoversrc” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0079 Attribute “bv:ca” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0079 Attribute “bv:cat” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0079 Attribute “bordercolorlight” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0078 Attribute “bordercolordark” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0077 Start tag for “table” seen but the previous “table” is still open. 0.0077 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “tabindex” on element “input”: Bad integer: The empty string is not a valid integer. 0.0076 Attribute “entrytitle” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0075 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0075 Element “a” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0074 “'” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value. 0.0074 Stray start tag “td”. 0.0074 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead. 0.0073 The “big” element is obsolete. 0.0073 Element “script” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0072 Attribute “bv:prevtooltip” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0072 Attribute “bv:prevhandle” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0072 Attribute “bv:nexttooltip” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0072 Attribute “bv:nexthandle” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0072 Attribute “bv:lasttooltip” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0072 Attribute “bv:firsttooltip” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0072 Attribute “bv:closebox” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0071 Unmappable byte sequence. 0.0070 Attribute “author” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0070 Attribute “author_possessive” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0068 No “li” element in scope but a “li” end tag seen. 0.0068 Element “ul” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0068 Attribute “ollayout” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0067 Element “script” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “tr”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0067 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “disabled” on element “textarea”. 0.0067 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “disabled” on element “button”. 0.0066 Stray end tag “a”. 0.0066 Required attributes missing on element “script”. 0.0065 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “cols” on element “textarea”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0064 End tag “br”. 0.0063 Start tag “br” seen in “table”. 0.0063 Duplicate attribute “class”. 0.0063 Changing character encoding “utf-8” and reparsing. 0.0063 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0063 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “h2” at this point. 0.0062 “style” element between “head” and “body”. 0.0062 Stray end tag “script”. 0.0062 Element “meta” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0061 Unclosed elements on stack. 0.0061 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0061 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0060 Element “br” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0060 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “col” at this point. 0.0059 Text not allowed in element “ul” in this context. 0.0058 Stray start tag “tr”. 0.0058 Stray end tag “param”. 0.0058 Element “ul” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0058 Element “li” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0058 Attribute “v:shapes” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0057 Stray end tag “meta”. 0.0057 Attribute “rev” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0056 Stray “table” start tag. 0.0055 Stray end tag “style”. 0.0055 Element “title” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “head”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0053 Element “script” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “tbody”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0053 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad legacy character encoding declaration: The legacy encoding declaration did not start with “text/html;”. 0.0049 Row 4 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0049 End tag “span” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0049 End tag had attributes. 0.0049 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: REQUIRED_COMPONENT_MISSING in HOST. 0.0049 Attribute “nowrap” not allowed on element “th” at this point. 0.0048 Stray end tag “ul”. 0.0048 Start tag “a” seen in “table”. 0.0048 Element “hr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “pre”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0048 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0048 Attribute “abbr” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0047 Stray end tag “link”. 0.0047 End tag “form” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0046 Element “title” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0046 Attribute “bgproperties” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0045 Start tag “div” seen in “table”. 0.0045 Element “hr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0045 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0045 Attribute “urchinpath” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0044 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “div”: Bad id: An ID must not be the empty string. 0.0044 Attribute “type” not allowed on element “ul” at this point. 0.0044 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0043 Start tag “center” seen in “table”. 0.0043 No element “strong” to close. 0.0043 Element “form” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0043 Duplicate attribute “align”. 0.0043 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “h3” at this point. 0.0042 Stray “div” start tag. 0.0042 Duplicate attribute “target”. 0.0041 Row 8 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0041 Row 5 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0041 Required attributes missing on element “link”. 0.0041 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0041 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0040 Table columns in range 2…4 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0040 Quote “'” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier. 0.0040 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0039 Attribute “sleekname” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0039 Attribute “fullname” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0039 Attribute “classes” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0039 Attribute “appid” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0038 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0038 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0038 Duplicate attribute “border”. 0.0038 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad rectangle: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. 0.0037 Table columns in range 3…4 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0037 Stray end tag “layer”. 0.0037 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “center”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0037 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “object”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0037 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: NON_INITIAL_DOT_SEGMENT in PATH. 0.0036 “link” element outside “head”. 0.0036 Row 6 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0036 Element “script” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “table”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0036 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “li”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0036 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “phpbb” used. 0.0036 Attribute “nowrap” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0036 Attribute “leftmargin” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0036 Attribute “href” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0035 Stray end tag “font”. 0.0035 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “embed”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0035 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0035 Attribute “topmargin” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0035 Attribute “nowrap” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0035 Attribute “lj:user” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0035 Attribute “bv:commentcount” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0034 Stray end tag “iframe”. 0.0034 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0034 Element “map” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0034 Duplicate attribute “style”. 0.0034 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “wrap” on element “textarea”. 0.0034 Attribute “scroll” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0034 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0034 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0033 The “s” element is obsolete. 0.0033 Table columns in range 4…5 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0033 End tag “strong” violates nesting rules. 0.0033 Element “csscriptdict” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0033 Duplicate attribute “title”. 0.0032 Saw an end tag after “body” had been closed. 0.0032 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0032 Attribute “nof” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0032 Attribute “galleryimg” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0032 Attribute “a” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0031 Start tag “img” seen in “table”. 0.0031 Element “spacer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0031 Element “csactiondict” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0031 Attribute “soft” not allowed on element “br” at this point. 0.0031 Attribute “location.href” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0030 The “id” attribute on a “map” element must have an the same value as the “name” attribute. 0.0030 The element “a” must not appear as a descendant of the “a” element. 0.0030 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0030 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad legacy character encoding declaration: The legacy encoding declaration ended prematurely. 0.0030 Attribute “nof” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0030 Attribute “c” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0030 Attribute “b” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0030 Attribute “bgcolor” not allowed on element “th” at this point. 0.0029 The element “input” must not appear as a descendant of the “a” element. 0.0029 Start tag “font” seen in “table”. 0.0029 Element “meta” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0029 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0029 Attribute “longdesc” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0029 A numeric character reference expanded to carriage return. 0.0028 Table cell overlaps an earlier table cell. 0.0028 Table cell is overlapped by later table cell. 0.0028 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0028 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h1”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0028 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “img”: Bad id: An ID must not be the empty string. 0.0028 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0028 Attribute “shape” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0028 Attribute “background” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0027 Stray end tag “object”. 0.0027 Stray end tag “mlp_window_end”. 0.0027 Stray end tag “mlp_navigation_menu_item_end”. 0.0027 Start tag “p” seen in “table”. 0.0027 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0027 Element “mlp_window_start” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0027 Character reference was not terminated by a semicolon. 0.0027 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in SCHEME. 0.0027 Attribute “href” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0027 Attribute “fprolloverstyle” not allowed on element “style” at this point. 0.0027 Attribute “cm:escaping” not allowed on element “style” at this point. 0.0027 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “h4” at this point. 0.0026 Table column 5 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0026 Stray “body” end tag. 0.0026 Stray end tag “title”. 0.0026 Row 7 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0026 No element “i” to close. 0.0026 Element “smoothie” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0026 Element “keeper” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0026 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: NOT_DNS_NAME in HOST. 0.0026 Attribute “cell-spacing” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0026 Attribute “cell-padding” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0025 Element “ul” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0025 Element “form” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0025 Attribute “target” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0025 Attribute “language” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0025 Attribute “framespacing” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0025 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0025 Attribute “bordercolor” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0024 The “applet” element is obsolete. 0.0024 Stray end tag “p”. 0.0024 Element “spacer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0024 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0024 Attribute “rage” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0023 The “tt” element is obsolete. 0.0023 Table columns in range 2…5 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0023 Internal encoding declaration “utf-8” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“windows-1252”). 0.0023 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0023 Element “input” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “tbody”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0023 Bad character “3” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0023 Attribute “xpos” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0023 Attribute “gridy” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0023 Attribute “gridx” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0023 Attribute “fp-title” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0023 Attribute “fp-style” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0023 Attribute “cool” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0022 Table columns in range 3…5 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0022 Stray end tag “applet”. 0.0022 Element “wbr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0022 Bad value “” for the attribute “xmlns” (only “http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml ” permitted here). 0.0022 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “iframe”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0022 Attribute “showgridy” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0022 Attribute “showgridx” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0022 Attribute “onselectstart” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0022 Attribute “cntrlrow” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0021 Text run is not in Unicode Normalization Form C. 0.0021 Stray “br” start tag. 0.0021 Row 9 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0021 End tag for “html” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0021 Element “span” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0021 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0021 Element “map” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0021 Element “ilayer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0021 Element “font” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0021 Element “dt” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0021 Duplicate attribute “type”. 0.0021 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in PATH. 0.0021 Bad start tag in “noscript” in “head”. 0.0021 Attribute “weight” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0021 Attribute “typeid” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0021 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0021 Attribute “itemid” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0021 Attribute “f” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0020 Stray “p” start tag. 0.0020 Row 10 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0020 Element “mlp_navigation_menu_item_start” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0020 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE in HOST. 0.0020 Attribute “scope” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0020 Attribute “noresize” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0020 Attribute “charset” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0020 Attribute “bordercolorlight” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0020 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0019 “meta” element outside “head”. 0.0019 Table columns in range 3…6 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0019 Stray end tag “textarea”. 0.0019 Stray end tag “noframes”. 0.0019 Saw “=” when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: Attribute name missing. 0.0019 Row 11 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0019 No element “u” to close. 0.0019 End tag “ul” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0019 Element “title” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0019 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0019 Element “bgsound” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0019 Duplicate attribute “width”. 0.0019 Duplicate attribute “alt”. 0.0019 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “colspan” on element “td”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0019 Attribute “usegridy” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0019 Attribute “usegridx” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0019 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0018 The “acronym” element is obsolete. 0.0018 Stray “body” start tag. 0.0018 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0018 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dl”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0018 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0018 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “onlinetravel” used. 0.0018 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in PATH. 0.0018 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad legacy character encoding declaration: The legacy encoding did not contain “charset=” immediately after the space. 0.0018 Attribute “fptype” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0018 Attribute “bordercolordark” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0017 The “strike” element is obsolete. 0.0017 Stray “object” end tag. 0.0017 Stray end tag “ilayer”. 0.0017 Stray end tag “comment”. 0.0017 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h3”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0017 Element “h2” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0017 Element “h1” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0017 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “lang” from namespace “http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ” on element “html”: Bad language tag: Bad variant subtag. 0.0017 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “link”: Bad IRI reference: NON_INITIAL_DOT_SEGMENT in PATH. 0.0017 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: NON_INITIAL_DOT_SEGMENT in PATH. 0.0017 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0017 Bad character “&” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0017 Attribute “vspace” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0017 Attribute “rules” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0017 Attribute “lowsrc” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0017 Attribute “href” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0017 Attribute “charset” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0017 Attribute “cellpadding” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0017 Attribute “bordercolor” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0017 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0016 “title” element outside “head”. 0.0016 Table column 6 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0016 Stray end tag “map”. 0.0016 Stray end tag “b”. 0.0016 Start tag “span” seen in “table”. 0.0016 Saw a “form” start tag, but there was already an active “form” element. Ignoring the tag. 0.0016 Element “input” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “tr”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0016 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0016 Element “basefont” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0016 Duplicate attribute “valign”. 0.0016 Changing character encoding “gb2312” and reparsing. 0.0016 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0016 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “embed”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0016 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad refresh: Expected a space character, but saw “u” instead. 0.0016 Attribute “hspace” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0016 Attribute “csheight” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0016 Attribute “content” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0016 Attribute “cols” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0016 Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0016 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0015 The encoding “cp1254” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “windows-1254”. (Charmod C024) 0.0015 The element “form” must not appear as a descendant of the “form” element. 0.0015 Table columns in range 2…6 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0015 End tag “i” violates nesting rules. 0.0015 Element “web:binding” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0015 Element “h3” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0015 Element “b” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0015 Element “base” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0015 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: missing name after . operator (unnamed script#1) 0.0015 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in FRAGMENT. 0.0015 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in FRAGMENT. 0.0015 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “object”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0015 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad legacy character encoding declaration: The legacy encoding did not contain “charset=” immediately after the semicolon. 0.0015 Attribute “onfloaterselection” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0015 Attribute “nowrap” not allowed on element “li” at this point. 0.0015 Attribute “menuri” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0015 Attribute “menuquery” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0015 Attribute “is_ad_safe” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0015 Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0015 Attribute “floater” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0015 Attribute “content” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0015 Attribute “cellspacing” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0014 Stray end tag “o:p”. 0.0014 Start tag “b” seen in “table”. 0.0014 End tag “h1” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0014 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0014 Element “script” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dl”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0014 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0014 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0014 Element “input” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “table”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0014 Duplicate attribute “content”. 0.0014 Bad character “$” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0014 Attribute “vspace” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0014 Attribute “scroll” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0014 Attribute “images” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0014 Attribute “hspace” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0014 Attribute “collect_fullview” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0014 Attribute “bgcolor” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0014 Attribute “20pxwhite.png” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0014 Attribute “)” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0014 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0013 Stray “textarea” end tag. 0.0013 Stray “head” start tag. 0.0013 Stray “div” end tag. 0.0013 Stray end tag “tbody”. 0.0013 Stray end tag “h3”. 0.0013 Stray end tag “col”. 0.0013 Start tag “map” seen in “table”. 0.0013 Start tag “area” seen in “table”. 0.0013 Found U+0000 in the character stream. 0.0013 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0013 Element “csobj” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0013 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0013 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in PATH. 0.0013 Bad character “-” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0013 Attribute “span” not allowed on element “col” at this point. 0.0013 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “h5” at this point. 0.0012 The encoding “x-sjis” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “shift_jis”. (Charmod C024) 0.0012 Stray end tag “body” 0.0012 Internal encoding declaration “windows-1252” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“utf-8”). 0.0012 End tag “h2” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0012 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “table”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dl”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Element “noscript” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dl”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Element “nolayer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Element “hr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Element “h5” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Element “h2” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Element “h1” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Element “csactions” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0012 Duplicate attribute “href”. 0.0012 Changing character encoding “iso-8859-2” and reparsing. 0.0012 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “.” instead. 0.0012 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “embed”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0012 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “link”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0012 Attribute “rel” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0012 Attribute “disabled” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0012 Attribute “<” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0011 Non-space character in page trailer. 0.0011 Garbage after “</”. 0.0011 End tag “nobr” violates nesting rules. 0.0011 End tag “h3” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0011 Element “index” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0011 Element “img” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0011 Element “h2” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0011 Element “blogprofile” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0011 Duplicate attribute “name”. 0.0011 Duplicate attribute “height”. 0.0011 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: NON_INITIAL_DOT_SEGMENT in PATH. 0.0011 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “iframe”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0011 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “lang” from namespace “http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ” on element “script”: Bad language tag: Subtags must next exceed 8 characters in length. 0.0011 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad refresh: Expected a space character, but saw “U” instead. 0.0011 Attribute “webbot-action” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0011 Attribute “onbeforecopy” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0011 Attribute “nof” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0011 Attribute “nof” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0011 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0011 Attribute “ms_positioning” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0011 Attribute “hspace” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0011 Attribute “frame” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0011 Attribute “background” not allowed on element “th” at this point. 0.0011 A “charset” attribute on a “meta” element found after the first 512 bytes. 0.0010 Unclosed elements inside a list. 0.0010 The element “textarea” must not appear as a descendant of the “a” element. 0.0010 Table columns in range 2…8 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0010 Table columns in range 2…7 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0010 Stray “style” start tag. 0.0010 Stray “center” start tag. 0.0010 Stray “a” start tag. 0.0010 Stray end tag “spacer”. 0.0010 Stray end tag “head” 0.0010 Stray end tag “frameset”. 0.0010 No element “em” to close. 0.0010 End tag “u” violates nesting rules. 0.0010 End tag “marquee” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0010 Element “noindex” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0010 Element “form” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0010 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h2”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0010 Bogus doctype. 0.0010 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “type” on element “input”. 0.0010 Attribute “xthumbnail-orig-image” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0010 Attribute “track” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0010 Attribute “target” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0010 Attribute “maxlength” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0010 Attribute “dynamicanimation” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0010 Attribute “cellpading” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0010 Attribute “a” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0009 Text not allowed in element “select” in this context. 0.0009 Stray start tag “frame”. 0.0009 Stray end tag “script” 0.0009 Stray end tag “h1”. 0.0009 End tag “blockquote” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0009 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “form”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0009 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0009 Element “noembed” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0009 Element “link” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0009 Element “keeper3” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0009 Element “blockquote” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0009 Changing character encoding “windows-1251” and reparsing. 0.0009 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0009 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: PORT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_WELL_KNOWN in PORT. 0.0009 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “embed”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0009 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: PORT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_WELL_KNOWN in PORT. 0.0009 Attribute “target” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “stylesrc” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “naturalsizeflag” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “language” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “language” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “http:” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “for” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “font” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “event” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “autocomplete” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “="content-type"” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0009 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0008 The encoding “windows-874” is not an IANA-registered encoding and did not use the “x-” prefix. (Charmod C023) 0.0008 Table column 7 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0008 Table column 2 established by element “th” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0008 Stray start tag “frameset”. 0.0008 Saw “'” when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: “=” missing immediately before. 0.0008 Premature end of comment. Use “-->” to end a comment properly. 0.0008 Internal encoding declaration “utf-8” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“windows-1254”). 0.0008 Element “wbr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0008 Element “noframes” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0008 Element “meta” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0008 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “object”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead. 0.0008 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “embed”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead. 0.0008 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “userwww” used. 0.0008 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “img”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0008 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: COMPATIBILITY_CHARACTER in PATH. 0.0008 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “.” instead. 0.0008 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “embed”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead. 0.0008 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad polyline: A polyline must have at least six comma- separated integers. Bad rectangle: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. Bad circle: A circle must have three comma- separated integers. 0.0008 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “checked” on element “input”. 0.0008 Attribute “x:str” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0008 Attribute “wmode” not allowed on element “param” at this point. 0.0008 Attribute “type” not allowed on element “ol” at this point. 0.0008 Attribute “onreadystatechange” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0008 Attribute “language” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0007 “th” start tag in table body. 0.0007 Text not allowed in element “dl” in this context. 0.0007 Table columns in range 2…10 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0007 Stray “img” start tag. 0.0007 Stray “iframe” start tag. 0.0007 Stray “html” end tag. 0.0007 Stray “/” at the end of an end tag. 0.0007 Stray end tag “select”. 0.0007 Start tag “iframe” seen in “table”. 0.0007 Saw a start tag “image”. 0.0007 Non-space after “frameset”. 0.0007 Internal encoding declaration “gb2312” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“utf-8”). 0.0007 End tag “em” violates nesting rules. 0.0007 Element “title” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “noscript”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h1”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “param” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “object”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “o:smarttagtype” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “noembed” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “object”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “map” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “li” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “link” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “form”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “layer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “layer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “h4” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “h3” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h1”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “blogprofile” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Element “bloglinksblock” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0007 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “embed”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0007 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “iframe”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in SCHEME. 0.0007 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “lang” from namespace “http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ” on element “html”: Bad language tag: Bad region subtag. 0.0007 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “input”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0007 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: COMPATIBILITY_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0007 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “object”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead. 0.0007 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “embed”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0007 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “for” on element “label”: Bad id reference: An ID must not be the empty string. 0.0007 Attribute “vspace” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “tppabs” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “style"margin-bottom:” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “standby” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “size” not allowed on element “textarea” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “nohref” not allowed on element “area” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “hspace” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “center;"” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “a” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0007 Attribute “10px;text-align:” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0006 The “img” element with the “ismap” attribute set must have an “a” ancestor with the “href” attribute. 0.0006 The value of attribute “title” on element “a” is not in Unicode Normalization Form C. 0.0006 The hash-name reference in attribute “usemap” referred to “Map”, but there is no “map” element with a “name” attribute with that value. 0.0006 The element “noscript” must not appear as a descendant of the “noscript” element. 0.0006 Table columns in range 5…6 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0006 Table column 8 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0006 Stray end tag “h2”. 0.0006 Stray end tag “blockquote”. 0.0006 Start tag “noscript” seen in “table”. 0.0006 Start tag “body” seen in “table”. 0.0006 Row 13 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0006 No element “small” to close. 0.0006 Internal encoding declaration “iso-8859-1” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“iso-8859-15”). 0.0006 Element “zeroboard” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “wbr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “i”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h2”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “ol” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “noindex” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “meta” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “center”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “center”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “link” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “center”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “hr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “bloglinkdumpblock” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Element “blockquote” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0006 Duplicate attribute “value”. 0.0006 Changing character encoding “windows-1250” and reparsing. 0.0006 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “form”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “new” used. 0.0006 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0006 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “selected” on element “option”. 0.0006 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “lang” from namespace “http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ” on element “html”: Bad language tag: Bad ISO language part in language tag. 0.0006 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “a”: Bad id: An ID must not be the empty string. 0.0006 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in HOST. 0.0006 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: DNS_LABEL_DASH_START_OR_END in HOST. 0.0006 Bad character “%” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0006 Attribute “x:num” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “window_props” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “vspace” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “vlink” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “viewastext” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “valuetype” not allowed on element “param” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “tppabs” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “text” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “s” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “nosave” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “mode” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “link” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “imageanchor” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “csclick” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “color” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “h6” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0006 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0005 Unsupported character encoding name: “none”. Will sniff. 0.0005 Table columns in range 3…8 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0005 Stray “meta” start tag. 0.0005 Stray “font” start tag. 0.0005 Stray end tag “xmp”. 0.0005 Stray end tag “strong”. 0.0005 Stray end tag “mainorarchivepage”. 0.0005 Stray end tag “base”. 0.0005 Row 12 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0005 No element “nobr” to close. 0.0005 Internal encoding declaration “iso-8859-1” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“windows-1254”). 0.0005 Forbidden code point U+0007. 0.0005 End tag “small” violates nesting rules. 0.0005 Element “title” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “center”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “tbody”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “i”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “meta” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “hr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “form” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “csimport” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Element “blogcategoriesblock” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0005 Duplicate attribute “rel”. 0.0005 Duplicate attribute “cellspacing”. 0.0005 Duplicate attribute “cellpadding”. 0.0005 Duplicate attribute “bgcolor”. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “object”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “type” on element “a”: Bad MIME type: Subtype missing. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “blank"” used. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “div”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “link”: Bad IRI reference: PORT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_WELL_KNOWN in PORT. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: PROHIBITED_COMPONENT_PRESENT in USER. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: Invalid assignment left-hand side. (unnamed script#1) 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_PERCENT_ENCODING in QUERY. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “object”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad polyline: A polyline must have at least six comma- separated integers. 0.0005 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “colspan” on element “td”: Bad positive integer: The empty string is not a valid positive integer. 0.0005 Attribute “x:str” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “value” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “unselectable” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “target” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “src” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “sans-serif” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “rss"” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “language” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “style” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “helvetica,” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “editor_id” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “content” not allowed on element “style” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “checked” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “atom"” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “arial,” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “<meta” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “-” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0005 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0004 The “dir” element is obsolete. 0.0004 The element “select” must not appear as a descendant of the “a” element. 0.0004 Text not allowed in element “ol” in this context. 0.0004 Stray “span” start tag. 0.0004 Stray end tag “th”. 0.0004 Stray end tag “noindex”. 0.0004 Stray end tag “marquee”. 0.0004 Stray end tag “hr”. 0.0004 Stray end tag “frameset” 0.0004 Stray end tag “a” 0.0004 Start tag “strong” seen in “table”. 0.0004 Start tag “link” seen in “table”. 0.0004 Start tag “hr” seen in “table”. 0.0004 Row 17 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0004 Row 14 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0004 Forbidden code point U+0011. 0.0004 End tag “h4” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0004 End of file inside comment. 0.0004 Element “wbr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “wbr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “title” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h1”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “st1:place” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “st1:place” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “em”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “noscript” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “noindex” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “noframes” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “form”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “mlp_navigation_menu_item_start” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “li” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “input” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “index” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “dl” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “label”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “i”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h3”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dt”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “csobj” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “csactionitem” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “br” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dl”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Element “blink” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0004 Duplicate attribute “size”. 0.0004 Changing character encoding “iso-8859-9” and reparsing. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: The empty string is not a valid positive integer. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in SCHEME. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “iframe”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “shape” on element “area”. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “a”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in HOST. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “/” instead. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “ ” instead. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad polyline: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “colspan” on element “td”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “-” instead. 0.0004 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “action” on element “form”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_PERCENT_ENCODING in PATH. 0.0004 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “value” not allowed on element “textarea” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “tppabs” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “topmargin” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “tlxclass” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “td” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “s” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “sui:togglerimageid” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “sui:togglerelemid” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “sui:initialcollapsedstate” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “oncopy” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “language” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “in” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “http:” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “hidefocus” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “heigth” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “hashcode” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “editor” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “dynamicanimation” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “counter” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “closure” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “celpadding” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “cellspacing” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “cellpadding” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “bordercolor” not allowed on element “th” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “bgcolor” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “and” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “tbody” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “;overflow:hidden;” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “1” not allowed on element “option” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “,” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0004 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0003 “nobr” start tag seen when there was an open “nobr” element in scope. 0.0003 “base” element outside “head”. 0.0003 The encoding “iso8859-1” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “iso-8859-1”. (Charmod C024) 0.0003 The encoding “cp1252” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “windows-1252”. (Charmod C024) 0.0003 Table columns in range 8…9 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0003 Table columns in range 7…8 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0003 Table columns in range 6…7 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0003 Table columns in range 4…8 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0003 Table columns in range 3…7 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0003 Table columns in range 2…9 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0003 Table column 9 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0003 Table column 2 established by element “col” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0003 Stray “noscript” start tag. 0.0003 Stray “map” start tag. 0.0003 Stray end tag “xml”. 0.0003 Stray end tag “wbr”. 0.0003 Stray end tag “thead”. 0.0003 Stray end tag “pre”. 0.0003 Stray end tag “li”. 0.0003 Stray end tag “label”. 0.0003 Stray end tag “html” 0.0003 Stray end tag “frame” 0.0003 Stray end tag “font” 0.0003 Stray end tag “default:a”. 0.0003 Stray end tag “blogprofile”. 0.0003 Start tag “ul” seen in “table”. 0.0003 Start tag “param” seen in “table”. 0.0003 Start tag “mlp_navigation_menu_item_start” seen in “table”. 0.0003 Start tag “meta” seen in “table”. 0.0003 Start tag “li” seen in “table”. 0.0003 Start tag “embed” seen in “table”. 0.0003 Saw “<>”. Probable causes: Unescaped “<” (escape as “<”) or mistyped start tag. 0.0003 Saw “</>”. Probable causes: Unescaped “<” (escape as “<”) or mistyped end tag. 0.0003 Row 19 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0003 Row 18 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0003 Row 16 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0003 Row 15 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0003 Required attributes missing on element “input”. 0.0003 Non-space in “frameset”. 0.0003 No “dd” element in scope but a “dd” end tag seen. 0.0003 Internal encoding declaration “windows-1251” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“utf-8”). 0.0003 Internal encoding declaration “iso-8859-1” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“windows-1251”). 0.0003 Internal encoding declaration specified “utf-16” which is not an ASCII superset. Continuing as if the encoding had been “utf-8”. 0.0003 Forbidden code point U+009c. 0.0003 Forbidden code point U+001a. 0.0003 Forbidden code point U+0012. 0.0003 Forbidden code point U+000e. 0.0003 Forbidden code point U+0001. 0.0003 End tag “v:shape” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0003 End tag “v:shapetype” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0003 End tag “noscript” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0003 End tag “h5” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0003 End tag “csactions” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0003 Element “zeroboard” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “x-claris-window” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “wbr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “ul” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “tr”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “li”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “strong” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “st1:personname” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “st1:city” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ol”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h4”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “u”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “small”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “form”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “meta” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “form”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “link” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “link” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “iframe” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “h” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “h3” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “h2” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “h1” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h1”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “h1” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “small”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h2”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “caption” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “table”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “br” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ol”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “blogdateheaderdate” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Element “a” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dl”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0003 Duplicate attribute “the”. 0.0003 Duplicate attribute “onkeyup”. 0.0003 Duplicate attribute “checked”. 0.0003 Duplicate attribute “and”. 0.0003 Changing character encoding “windows-1254” and reparsing. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “ ” instead. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “type” on element “script”: Bad MIME type: Subtype missing. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “type” on element “link”: Bad MIME type: Expected a MIME type but saw the empty string. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: NOT_DNS_NAME in HOST. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in PATH. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “rowspan” on element “td”: Bad non-negative integer: The empty string is not a valid non- negative integer. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “readonly” on element “input”. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “method” on element “form”. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “maxlength” on element “input”: Bad positive integer: The empty string is not a valid positive integer. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “lang” from namespace “http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ” on element “span”: Bad language tag: Bad script subtag. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “lang” from namespace “http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ” on element “div”: Bad language tag: Bad region subtag. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “table”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “script”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “object”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: unterminated string literal (unnamed script#1) 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: syntax error (unnamed script#1) 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “area”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: The empty string is not a valid positive integer. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “enctype” on element “form”. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad refresh: Expected a digit or a semicolon, but saw “.” instead. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “cols” on element “textarea”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “cols” on element “textarea”: Bad positive integer: The empty string is not a valid positive integer. 0.0003 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “action” on element “form”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0003 Bad character “)” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0003 Attribute “www.pyzam.com” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “ww:params” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “webstyle4” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “type” not allowed on element “li” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “tstamp” not allowed on element “b” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “tstampstr” not allowed on element “b” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “trackposition” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “tp” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “tppabs” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “times” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “the” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “td” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “smilieid” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “server_data” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “sequence” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “rows” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “rel” not allowed on element “h3” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “promoted” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “printoption” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “printlinktext” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “price” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “of” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “nowrap” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “nof” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “new” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “new” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “livesrc” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “leftmargin” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “language” not allowed on element “select” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “labelid” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “in” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “img” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “http” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “http:” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “col” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “fprolloverstyle” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “face” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “editor_id” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “dynamicanimation” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “dwcopytype” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “defersrc” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “content” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “colspan” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “color” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “cellspadding” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “cellspace” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “bordercolor” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “bloggertemplates\';'” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:xid” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:user-xid” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:user-id” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:theme” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:screen-name” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:hover-on” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:hover-on” not allowed on element “li” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:focus” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:delegate” not allowed on element “li” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:delegate” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:delegate” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:delegate” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:delegate” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “at:default” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “astyle” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “allowscriptaccess” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “allownetworking” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “col” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “caption” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “applet” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “actype” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “_fcksavedurl” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “<” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “<” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0003 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0002 “td” end tag with “select” open. 0.0002 “=” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Stray duplicate equals sign. 0.0002 The hash-name reference in attribute “usemap” referred to “Map2”, but there is no “map” element with a “name” attribute with that value. 0.0002 The encoding “utf8” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “utf-8”. (Charmod C024) 0.0002 The encoding “sjis” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “shift_jis”. (Charmod C024) 0.0002 The encoding “shift-jis” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “shift_jis”. (Charmod C024) 0.0002 The encoding “ks_c_5601-1987” is not an IANA-registered encoding and did not use the “x-” prefix. (Charmod C023) 0.0002 The encoding “euc_kr” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “euc-kr”. (Charmod C024) 0.0002 The encoding “cp1251” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “windows-1251”. (Charmod C024) 0.0002 The element “label” must not appear as a descendant of the “label” element. 0.0002 Text run starts with a composing character. 0.0002 Table columns in range 6…8 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0002 Table columns in range 5…7 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0002 Table columns in range 4…7 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0002 Table column 3 established by element “th” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0002 Table column 3 established by element “col” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0002 Table column 10 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0002 Stray “title” start tag. 0.0002 Stray “p” end tag. 0.0002 Stray “pre” start tag. 0.0002 Stray “input” start tag. 0.0002 Stray “b” start tag. 0.0002 Stray start tag “tbody”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “wml:do”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “u”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “td<”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “span” 0.0002 Stray end tag “p” 0.0002 Stray end tag “plaintext”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “option” 0.0002 Stray end tag “ol”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “noembed”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “left”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “i”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “h4”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “dl”. 0.0002 Stray end tag “b” 0.0002 Start tag “u” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Start tag “title” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Start tag “object” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Start tag “marquee” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Start tag “i” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Start tag “html” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Start tag “head” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Start tag “h3” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Start tag “h2” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Start tag “h1” seen in “table”. 0.0002 Row 24 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0002 Row 23 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0002 Row 22 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0002 Row 21 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0002 Row 20 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0002 Required attributes missing on element “param”. 0.0002 Non-space character after body. 0.0002 No “dt” element in scope but a “dt” end tag seen. 0.0002 No element “big” to close. 0.0002 No digits after “&#”. 0.0002 Internal encoding declaration “iso-8859-1” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“iso-8859-2”). 0.0002 Internal encoding declaration “iso-8859-15” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“windows-1254”). 0.0002 Internal encoding declaration “iso-8859-15” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“windows-1252”). 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+0096. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+0092. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+0080. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+007f. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+001d. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+001c. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+001b. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+0019. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+0013. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+0010. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+000b. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+0008. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+0003. 0.0002 Forbidden code point U+0002. 0.0002 End tag “v:rect” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0002 End tag “v:formulas” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0002 End tag “pre” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0002 End tag “dl” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0002 End tag “big” violates nesting rules. 0.0002 End of file reached when inside an attribute value. 0.0002 Element “xmlhtml” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “v:shapetype” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “ul” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “title” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “form”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ol”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h2”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “style="text-align:left"” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “st1:place” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “st1:personname” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “st1:country-region” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “st1:country-region” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “st1:city” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “small”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “pre” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “picture” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “picture” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “picture” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “param” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “param” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “ol” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “ol” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ol”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “o:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “noindex” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “noframes” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “head”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “mlp_login_menu_form_close” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “form”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “meta” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h1”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “mainorarchivepage” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “li” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dt”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “li” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “li” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “left” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “layer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “ilayer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “ilayer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “hr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “h4” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “h4” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “h3” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “h2” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h2”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “font” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dl”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “dt” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “dl” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dl”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “noscript”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h4”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “em”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “dd” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “dd” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “colgroup” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “table”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h3”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “blogcategoriesblock” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “blogauthorsblock” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “blink” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “blink” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “bgsound” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “base” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “base” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “head”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “a” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ol”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Element “address” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “tabindex”. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “src”. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “onload”. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “marginwidth”. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “marginheight”. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “in”. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “frameborder”. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “colspan”. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “a”. 0.0002 Duplicate attribute “;”. 0.0002 Changing character encoding “shift_jis” and reparsing. 0.0002 Changing character encoding “iso-8859-15” and reparsing. 0.0002 Changing character encoding “euc-kr” and reparsing. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “window” used. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “frame” used. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_PERCENT_ENCODING in QUERY. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in PATH. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “iframe”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “rows” on element “textarea”: Bad positive integer: Zero is not a positive integer. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “rows” on element “textarea”: Bad positive integer: The empty string is not a valid positive integer. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “required” on element “input”. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “textarea”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “td”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “td”: Bad id: An ID must not be the empty string. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “li”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “input”: Bad id: An ID must not be the empty string. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “link”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: UNICODE_WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: Malformed percent escape. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “area”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “"” instead. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “for” on element “label”: Bad id reference: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “defer” on element “script”. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “data” on element “object”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad rectangle: The first integer must be less than the third. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad polyline: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. Bad rectangle: A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers. Bad circle: A circle must have three comma-separated integers. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad legacy character encoding declaration: The legacy encoding contained “;”, which is not a valid character in an encoding name. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad legacy character encoding declaration: The legacy encoding contained “ ”, which is not a valid character in an encoding name. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “action” on element “form”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “action” on element “form”: Bad IRI reference: PORT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_WELL_KNOWN in PORT. 0.0002 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “action” on element “form”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0002 Bad character “=” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0002 Bad character “1” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0002 Attribute “xml” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “www.namecheap.com” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “wstxclass” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “wrap” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “wmode” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “with” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “with” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “witdh” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “select” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “widht” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “widht” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “werben” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “webbot-onsubmit” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “vspale” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “vqptag” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “vqp_uid0” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “vqp_menuid” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “vqp_datafile0” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “value” not allowed on element “select” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “value” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “valing” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “tbody” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “col” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “valign” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “v:shape” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “v:shapes” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “us"” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “unselectable” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “unselectable” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “unit” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “type” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “track_links” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “tracingsrc” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “tracingopacity” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “tppabs” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “tppabs” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “to” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “to” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “top"” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “tlxfield” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “title"hier” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “the” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “text” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “templateid” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “td” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “sysimgpath” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “ssl” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “src” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “src” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “span” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “size” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “shcolor” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “selforecolor” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “selcolor” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “scrolling” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “rss” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “rootarrow” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “rootarrowimage” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “roman” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “rev” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “rel” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “rel” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “ref” not allowed on element “param” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “readonly” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “reader'” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “part” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “page_level” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “padding” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “onselectstart” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “onfocusin” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “onbeforeactivate” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “newattr” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “newattr” not allowed on element “b” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “moutdelay” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “mode” not allowed on element “li” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “mode” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “mm_noconvert” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “meta” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “metaid” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “mercury:params” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “menutransition” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “menumaker” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “menuitemheight” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “menubarheight” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “mce_real_href” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “mce_href” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “markup” not allowed on element “acronym” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “margin” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “marginwidth” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “margintop” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “marginleft” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “marginheight” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “loop” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “log's” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “length” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “languaje” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “language\"” not allowed on element “acronym” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “langauge” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “langage” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “labelid” not allowed on element “textarea” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “labelid” not allowed on element “select” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “labelid” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “key” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “keywords"” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “je” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “itemname” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “info” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “if” not allowed on element “b” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “iconwidth” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “iconimgpath” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “iconbackgroundcolor” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “http_equiv” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “br” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “hlcolor” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “heigth” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “heigth” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “hr” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “height” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “hb_tag” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “hashcode” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “generator"” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “fprolloverstyle” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “for” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “fontstyle” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “family” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “en” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “dojotype” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “display” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “disabled” not allowed on element “style” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “disable-output-escaping” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “de” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “de” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “csssubmenu” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cssrootmenuarw” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cssmenuitem” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cssmenuitemsel” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cssmenuicon” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cssmenucontainer” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cssmenubreak” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cssmenubar” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cssmenuarrow” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “controlid” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “content” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “content” not allowed on element “br” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “commid” not allowed on element “li” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “commid” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “colspan” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “colspan” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “color” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “closure” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cellsspacing” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cellspcing” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cellspacing” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cellpsacing” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cellpadding” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “cellpadding” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “border” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “borderwidth” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “body” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “bgcolor” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “background-color” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “backcolor” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “a” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “autocomplete” not allowed on element “textarea” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “at:xid” not allowed on element “ul” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “at:once” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “at:delegate” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “arrowimage” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “applet” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “allowfullscreen” not allowed on element “object” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “aling” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “address” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “algin” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “advertise” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “accesskey” not allowed on element “legend” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “_joinprompttext” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “_fcksavedurl” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “_blank"” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “\” not allowed on element “br” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “<” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “<tr” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “<br” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “<a” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “0"” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “-” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “-” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “'” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “select” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “option” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0002 Attribute “"” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0002 A table row was 6 columns wide and exceeded the column count established using column markup (5). 0.0002 A table row was 2 columns wide, which is less than the column count established using column markup (5). 0.0002 A table row was 2 columns wide and exceeded the column count established using column markup (1). 0.0001 “noframes” element between “head” and “body”. 0.0001 Unsupported character encoding name: “macintosh”. Will continue sniffing. 0.0001 The “header” element must have at least one “h1”–“h6” descendant. 0.0001 The value of attribute “alt” on element “img” is not in Unicode Normalization Form C. 0.0001 The encoding “utf-8>” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “utf-8”. (Charmod C024) 0.0001 The encoding “"utf-8"” is not the preferred name of the character encoding in use. The preferred name is “utf-8”. (Charmod C024) 0.0001 Table columns in range 8…10 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0001 Table columns in range 7…10 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0001 Table columns in range 6…10 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0001 Table columns in range 4…10 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0001 Table columns in range 3…10 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0001 Table columns in range 2…5 established by element “th” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0001 Table columns in range 2…3 established by element “th” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0001 Table columns in range 2…13 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0001 Table columns in range 2…12 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. 0.0001 Table column 8 established by element “th” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0001 Table column 5 established by element “col” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0001 Table column 4 established by element “col” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0001 Table column 12 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0001 Table column 11 established by element “td” has no cells beginning in it. 0.0001 Stray “tr” start tag. 0.0001 Stray “td” end tag. 0.0001 Stray “script” end tag. 0.0001 Stray “link” start tag. 0.0001 Stray “frameset” start tag. 0.0001 Stray “form” start tag. 0.0001 Stray “centet” start tag. 0.0001 Stray “center” end tag. 0.0001 Stray end tag “title” 0.0001 Stray end tag “st1:place”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “noframes” 0.0001 Stray end tag “mtcalendar”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “mlp_login_menu_form_close”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “jeeranpagewizard”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “item”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “item6”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “item5”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “item3”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “item2”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “index”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “if”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “h5”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “div” 0.0001 Stray end tag “color”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “br”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “bloglinksblock”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “bloglinkdumpblock”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “blogcomment”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “bgsound”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “area”. 0.0001 Stray end tag “a<”. 0.0001 Start tag “noindex” seen in “table”. 0.0001 Start tag “mtcalendar” seen in “table”. 0.0001 Start tag “item6” seen in “table”. 0.0001 Start tag “item5” seen in “table”. 0.0001 Start tag “item3” seen in “table”. 0.0001 Start tag “item2” seen in “table”. 0.0001 Row 28 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0001 Row 27 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0001 Row 26 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0001 Row 25 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it. 0.0001 Non-space character inside “noscript” inside “head”. 0.0001 Internal encoding declaration “windows-1252” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“windows-1251”). 0.0001 Internal encoding declaration “windows-1250” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“iso-8859-2”). 0.0001 Internal encoding declaration named an unsupported chararacter encoding “unicode”. 0.0001 Internal encoding declaration named an unsupported chararacter encoding “macintosh”. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+009f. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+009d. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+009a. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0099. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0094. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0093. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0085. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0084. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0083. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0082. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0081. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+001f. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+001e. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0018. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0017. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0016. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0015. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0014. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+000f. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0006. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0005. 0.0001 Forbidden code point U+0004. 0.0001 End tag “v:stroke” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0001 End tag “rdf:rdf” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0001 End tag “p:slide” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0001 End tag “ol” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0001 End tag “o:shapelayout” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0001 End tag “fieldset” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0001 End tag “dir” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0001 End tag “anchor” seen but there were unclosed elements. 0.0001 Element “x-sas-window” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “wml” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “wbr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “v:shape” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “v:shape” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “v:shape” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “v:rect” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “v:group” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “ul” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ol”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “u1:p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “title” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “thead” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “table”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “i”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h3”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dl”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “table” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “style” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “st1:state” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “st1:state” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “st1:metricconverter” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “st1:city” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “showbody” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “p”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “rdf:rdf” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “noscript”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h5”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “p” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “dt”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “param” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “p:colorscheme” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “o” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “nolayer” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “noindex” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “center”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “noembed” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “nobr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “center”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “mtcalendar” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “mtcalendar” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “mlp_login_menu_form_open” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “meta” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “marquee” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “i”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “map” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “li” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “b”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “legend” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “fieldset”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “left” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “item6” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “item5” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “item3” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “item2” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “hr” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h1”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “h6” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “h4” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h4”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “h3” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “h3” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h3”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “h2” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “h1” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ul”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “h1” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “h1” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ol”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “gray” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “gray” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “form” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “strong”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “font” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “ol”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “div” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “caption”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “date” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “li”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “csobj” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “csobj” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “col” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “colgroup”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “centet” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “small”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “i”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “center” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “h4”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “bunnyhero” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “blogsmsblock” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “blogprofile” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “font”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “blogprofileinfo” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “bloglinkdumpblock” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “blogger” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “blogger” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “blogextendedpost” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “blogemailblock” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “blink” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “a”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “base” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “div”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “basefont” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “td”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “address” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “span”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Element “actinic:basehref” not allowed in this context. (The parent was element “body”.) Suppressing further errors from this subtree. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “to”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “topmargin”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “onmouseover”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “onmouseout”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “of”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “maxlength”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “leftmargin”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “for”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “de”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “color”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “_fcksavedurl”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “[^]”. 0.0001 Duplicate attribute “-”. 0.0001 Changing character encoding “windows-1255” and reparsing. 0.0001 Changing character encoding “euc-jp” and reparsing. 0.0001 Bad value “http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40” for the attribute “xmlns” (only “http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml” permitted here). 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “img”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “"” instead. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “width” on element “embed”: Bad positive integer: The empty string is not a valid positive integer. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “usemap” on element “img”: Bad hash-name reference: A hash-name reference must start with “#”. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “type” on element “script”: Bad MIME type: Expected a MIME type but saw the empty string. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “target” used. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “portal” used. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “podo_player” used. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “dubuweb” used. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “blanc” used. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “target” on element “a”: Bad browsing context name or keyword: Reserved keyword “balnk” used. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “script”: Bad IRI reference: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “input”: Bad IRI reference: WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: REQUIRED_COMPONENT_MISSING in HOST. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE in QUERY. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “img”: Bad IRI reference: COMPATIBILITY_CHARACTER in PATH. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “iframe”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_PERCENT_ENCODING in QUERY. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “src” on element “embed”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in SCHEME. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “lang” from namespace “http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ” on element “script”: Bad language tag: Bad ISO language part in language tag. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “lang” from namespace “http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ” on element “h2”: Bad language tag: Bad variant subtag. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “ul”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “select”: Bad id: An ID must not contain whitespace. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “id” on element “body”: Bad id: An ID must not be the empty string. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “link”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “link”: Bad IRI reference: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “link”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in QUERY. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “link”: Bad IRI reference: CONTROL_CHARACTER in PATH. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: missing ) after argument list (unnamed script#1) 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: invalid return (unnamed script#1) 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: Unexpected end of file (unnamed script#1) 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: UNICODE_WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: PROHIBITED_COMPONENT_PRESENT in AUTHORITY. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “a”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_PERCENT_ENCODING in PATH. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “href” on element “area”: Bad IRI reference: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “embed”: Bad positive integer: The empty string is not a valid positive integer. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “height” on element “embed”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “.” instead. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “dir” on element “div”. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad rectangle: The second integer must be less than the fourth. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad rectangle: A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad polyline: Expected a digit but saw “ ” instead. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad polyline: A polyline must have at least six comma- separated integers. Bad rectangle: The second integer must be less than the fourth. Bad circle: A circle must have three comma-separated integers. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad polyline: A polyline must have an even number of comma- separated integers. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Bad circle: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “content” on element “meta”: Bad legacy character encoding declaration: The legacy encoding contained “>”, which is not a valid character in an encoding name. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “colspan” on element “td”: Bad positive integer: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “action” on element “form”: Bad IRI reference: NON_INITIAL_DOT_SEGMENT in PATH. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “action” on element “form”: Bad IRI reference: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in SCHEME. 0.0001 Bad value (consolidated) for attribute “action” on element “form”: Bad IRI reference: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE in PATH. 0.0001 Bad character “.” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0001 Bad character “(” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “<”. 0.0001 Attribute “you” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “xml:space” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “xbackground” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “x:fmla” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “www.etracker.de” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “with” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “textarea” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “width” not allowed on element “colgroup” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “wfx:overridewidth” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “wdith” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “value” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “v:dpi” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “url” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “unselectable” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “unselectable” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “type” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “type” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “type” not allowed on element “br” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “tyep” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “tppabs” not allowed on element “param” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “tppabs” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “tlxalign” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “the” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “text” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “target” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “table” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “sui:togglerimageid” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “sui:togglerelemid” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “sui:initialcollapsedstate” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “start” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “size” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “sf:object” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “sf:object” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “serif” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “sans” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “runat” not allowed on element “form” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “return” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “rel” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “rel” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “rel” not allowed on element “h2” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “reload” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “ref” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “redirection” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “rdx_type” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “rank:params” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “prop” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “on” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “onselectstart” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “onselectstart” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “of” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “num” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “nowrap” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “namo_npi” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “option” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “link” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “name” not allowed on element “area” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “name-equiv” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “ms” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “msopnltype” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “mso-fareast-language:” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “mso-bidi-language:” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “mso-ansi-language:” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “moduleid” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “mercury:params” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “mce_src” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “mayscript” not allowed on element “applet” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “maxsize” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “maxlenght” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “margin” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “main_content” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “link” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “level” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “les” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “languange” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “keywords” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “is” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “istyle” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “iso-8859-1"” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “is_vqp_html” not allowed on element “script” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “img” not allowed on element “input” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “imagedrop” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “head” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “hight” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “heihgt” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “heigh” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “hegiht” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “hashcode” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “halign” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “for” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “font” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “face” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “face” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “et” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “emoid” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “editor_id” not allowed on element “strong” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “editor_id” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “dynsrc” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “description” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “description” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “description"” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “csover” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “csme” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “csme” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “cslocked” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “content” not allowed on element “head” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “contents” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “contect” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “color” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “color” not allowed on element “body” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “cnt.php?” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “closure” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “clear” not allowed on element “p” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “clear” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “class"main"” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “cellstyle” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “cellspacing” not allowed on element “tr” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “cellsapcing” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “by” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “bytes"” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “boder” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “bluehost” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “blog” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “blogcn_name” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “blogcn_flashtype” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “bg” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “at:tag” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “at:tag-normalized” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “at:format” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “at:enclosure” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “at:can-remove” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “at:align” not allowed on element “div” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “and” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “all” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “aling” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “select” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “pre” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “align” not allowed on element “legend” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “aligh” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “algin” not allowed on element “td” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “[^]” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “?” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “<br” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “table” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “;” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “0"” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “-” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “,” not allowed on element “a” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “'” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “&et_pagename” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “&et_lpage” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “&et_basket” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “&et_areas” not allowed on element “img” at this point. 0.0001 Attribute “#6600ff"” not allowed on element “font” at this point. 0.0001 A table row was 3 columns wide, which is less than the column count established using column markup (5). 0.0001 A table row was 1 columns wide, which is less than the column count established using column markup (2). -- Henri Sivonen hsivonen@iki.fi http://hsivonen.iki.fi/
Received on Saturday, 30 August 2008 07:25:32 UTC