Re: Feedback on SVGWG's SVG-in-text/html proposal

Hi, Ian-

Ian Hickson wrote (on 8/28/08 4:07 AM):
> This e-mail contains feedback on:

Thanks for your reply.  The SVG WG is rather busy at the moment with
finalizing details of SVG Tiny 1.2, but we will review your comments in
a timely manner.

It would very useful for us to know how you are prioritizing your
upcoming actions.  In particular, what is the timeframe for the various
browser vendors to seriously consider implementing this feature?  We
would like to be responsive to these considerations, as far as we are able.

Resolving this matter is a major priority to the SVG WG, but we also
have other matters to resolve that may be more urgent, a conundrum that
I'm sure you appreciate.

-Doug Schepers, on behalf of the SVG WG

Received on Thursday, 28 August 2008 11:08:20 UTC