Re: GRDDL (and the rule of least power)

On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 11:12 +0300, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> >> I'm not sure if abusing HTML is the right characterization, but the  
> >> GRDDL setup violates the The Rule of Least Power TAG Finding.
> >>
> >
> > I'm not sure how using XSLT 1.0 violates that finding (please  
> > elaborate);
> XSLT is in a more powerful language category than (scriptless) HTML or  
> any of the notations for RDF triples.

But XSLT is not being used to express hypertext documents
nor RDF graphs; it is being used to express a transformation
from one syntax to another. GRDDL is only violating
the rule of least power to the extent that it uses a 
turing-complete language where something simpler would do.
It's an open question whether something simpler would do
for expressing syntactic transformations.

Before GRDDL, a number of declarative approaches to
syntax transformation were explored, but
but before any of them covered an interesting part of the
use cases, XSLT got pretty widely deployed and
several implementors who were interested in this problem
of alternative RDF syntaxes were willing to support it.

The GRDDL spec goes on at length to acknowledge the
security implications of mobile code. Hmm... perhaps
it should have discussed the rule of least power
explicitly along the way.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2008 15:50:29 UTC