Re: Extensibility strategies, was: Deciding in public (Was: SVGWG SVG-in-HTML proposal)

On Aug 4, 2008, at 20:25, Julian Reschke wrote:

> Henri Sivonen wrote:
>> On Aug 2, 2008, at 09:53, Justin James wrote:
>>>>> If you wanted to disambiguate your "price" from other people's,  
>>>>> you could
>>>>> use a URI instead:
>>>>>  <p>The peas cost <span class=""> 
>>>>> $7.99</span>.</p>
>>>>> ...
>>>> Hey, that's an interesting proposal. I haven't seen that before.
>>> Would using an URI trigger any other behavior, like downloading  
>>> something from that URI and taking action upon it? Not saying it  
>>> *should*, just curious if the proposal does that or not.
>> The very fact that URI-based extensibility inspires that question  
>> is a problem with URI-based extensibility.
> Justin later stated that he was just looking for confirmation that  
> no lookups are intended.
> I agree that sometimes people get this wrong, and that's why it's a  
> good idea to clearly state what the intended behavior is.

That's like putting a sign saying "Push" on the door of a department  
store instead of replacing the handle with a slab that obviously can  
only be pushed.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Monday, 4 August 2008 17:33:10 UTC