Re: Unscoped <style> found outside the <head>

On Sun, 27 May 2007 21:40:30 +0200, Kornel Lesinski <>  
> Maybe <style scoped> should be allowed only as a first child of its  
> parent then?

That would make <style> no better than using style=... The whole point of  
having <style scoped> is that you can do

   <style scoped> p { font-size:12px } </style>
   <style media=screen scoped> p { font-size:12pt } </style>


   <style title="Pink!" scoped> * { color:pink } </style>
   <style title="Green!" scoped> * { color:green } </style>

(Please ignore the issues with the style sheets in the examples above.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Sunday, 27 May 2007 20:49:06 UTC