Re: Getting beyond the ping pong match (was RE: Cleaning House)

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>> The only thing that can be done to help this problem (other than by 
>> using the role attribute) is to use really obscure names for 
>> predefined classes, which doesn't seem like a great idea either.
> One simple way to avoid the standard and authors clashing would be to 
> reverse the assumption of "role" and require predefined class names to 
> have a special prefix, "html:example", "html:copyright" and so forth. Or 
> we could use a shorter prefix like w3 or just plain : for the standard 
> names, especially if we think predefined classes might be used in 
> non-HTML languages that have a class attribute.

Yeah, I think that would be a great idea and would help a lot. The only 
sad part is that microformats have already started using a lot of 
non-prefixed classnames such as 'vcard' and 'fn' and 'org'.

But it's never too late to set things right, and if we start using 
prefixes then at least there won't be even more ones to collide with.

The only problem is, can you write CSS selectors that match the class 
':example'? We might want to use "_example".

/ Jonas

Received on Saturday, 5 May 2007 03:18:35 UTC