Re: Preparing to launch the Forms Task Force ...

Matthew Raymond wrote:
I would suggest that one way to process
them is that they should be tied to their parent elements. The first
<div> in the example above has a heading, then the child <div> has a
heading, therefore the child <div> is a subsection of the parent.
Associate elements accordingly. If there are two heading elements on the
same level, then the second one begins a new section.

My first thought was that forcing authors to understand the relationship 
  of nested elements to content and meaning might be too great of a 
departure from the current eassy-going ways of html. Most of those who 
do understand are the ones writing the good markup.

Daniel Glazman wrote:
> Please note that it's also much easier to assign styles
> to element types h1 h2 ... h6 than using the following
> selectors:
>   section > h
>   section > section > h
>   ...
>   section > section > section > section > section > section > h

This is also a good point.

How complicated to we want to make things for ourselves here?

Received on Monday, 19 March 2007 13:38:26 UTC