Re: WYSIWYM editors

On 18/03/2007 05:51, Marcos Caceres wrote:

> Daniel, I've been teaching web development to undergraduate design
> students for 8 years and most of my students seem to get it. Perhaps

You said "students". Nvu's and Composer's target is Mr Smith, my dad,
my 8 years old son, the secretary next door, just anybody. Not
necessarily people who were students or who have any skill to study.

The web spread to the public more than ten years ago. Ask yourself
how many of the non-skilled people you meet every day have ever
selected "View source"... And how many were interested or understood
the result...

If you really want to make markup editors percolate into the real world,
a world that does not care about the technical side because they
SHOULDNOT have to care about it, then you can't focus on students.

Focus on my 78 years old dad, he's a much better average target...


Received on Sunday, 18 March 2007 08:05:28 UTC