Re: Underline element.

Richard Conyard a écrit :
> Ivan,
>    This is because the u element holds no semantic relevance -- e.g. 
> it is underlined, but why is it underlined?
If we look for in french typographic rules, we see that the underlined 
does not have any sense. But what about english typographic rules ?
The underlined did not exists in typography lead. It's an invention from 
typewriter. Indeed, we could not write a bold or italic text, so it was 
used to replace bold and italic.
So the underlined has --- generally --- not reason to be used. So why 
created <u> tag ?

I don't understand why we created <u> while it's not correct to use.
> If you wish to underline text then CSS text decoration is the way to 
> go:
I know text-decoration hehe. It's nice :).
> Hope this helps,
> Richard.

Received on Thursday, 27 December 2007 13:23:42 UTC