Re: Multilanguage alt/title

Hi Maciej,

> <embed> is there primarily for content handled by plugins. The best  
> plugin markup for degrading gracefully in a wide variety of  
> browsers nests <embed> in <object>, and it would be unfortunate to  
> make such markup non-conforming, even if you can use <object> alone  
> to target newer browsers only.

I understand how <embed> is used, but I don't see any reason to make  
it a part of document conformance. Everyone who uses it now uses it  
even though its not a part of document conformance. Adding it to  
document conformance simply makes the language more complicated  
without any benefit whatsoever. If it was a part of the language in  
HTML 4.01 it would make sense to remove it now. Why would we add it?  
The object element is also for plug-ins. I see no reason to have two  
separate elements that serve the same purpose: one with fallback  
capabilities and the other without fallback capabilities.

Take care,

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2007 02:38:02 UTC