Re: Distributed Extensibility

Philip Taylor wrote:
> IE5+ also does namespaced tags outside of <xml>, which are perhaps 
> interesting - and 
> give some 
> incomplete and incorrect information. Rough experimentation suggests the 
> following:
> [...]

Oh, sorry, it turns out that wasn't actually correct, because the live 
DOM viewer is misleading - or at least it is correct about what happens 
when you create HTML via document.write(), but is incorrect when you're 
loading an actual HTML file (in which case it doesn't recognise <x:y> 
unless you have <html xmlns:x> or <?xml:namespace prefix=x>). So, IE's 
behaviour is somewhat more complex and less sane that I thought.

Philip Taylor

Received on Saturday, 4 August 2007 16:27:26 UTC