Re: HTML version issue summary?

Karl Dubost schrieb:
>> CSS,
> It is very difficult for validator developers to create a useful tool 
> because of this. We are forced for now to guess the versioning by 
> analyzing which properties are here or not.

Since CSS x tends to be a superset of CSS x-1, what's the problem with 
just assuming the latest recommendation? Sure, the levels are not fully 
backwards-compatible. But then again, if the latest recommendation makes 
something obsolete, I would expect the validator to warn me.

>> PHP,
> The scripts have indeed no version information but the test for it is 
> "working" or "not working. The developer develops for a specific version.
>     "Download PHP version X.",
>     "You can't use this function  with PHP version X."
> It is a closed/wall garden environment as in my scripts are limited by 
> the capabilities of the libraries installed on the server.

PHP 5 is 99% backwards-compatible; a script written for PHP 4 just works 
with PHP 5 in most cases. Of course, that's not the case the other way 
around and there may be other dependencies.

I didn't want to say that PHP (or any other mentioned language) is 
hundred per cent comparable to HTML. I just wanted to cite some examples 
for why I think "it's still good language design to identify the 
specific language version" is not an accomplished fact.


Received on Monday, 30 April 2007 09:58:02 UTC