FAQ on joining the HTML WG as an Invited Expert

A number of people have asked questions about why joining
this group is more complicated than normal mailing list
subscription; e.g.

  I want to participate as an individual in the HTML Working Group but
  I work for a W3C Member. Why can't I join as an Invited Expert?

  Why did you create public-html for the new Working Group, in
  addition to the existing www-html@w3.org?

After answering these questions individually a number of times,
Ian Jacobs of the W3C communications team assembled an FAQ,
in collaboration with Karl and me and several others:


If you want to discuss this by phone, please use the comment
field in the survey under "Supplemental Orientation Discussion"

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2007 14:21:34 UTC