RE: Proposal to Adopt HTML5 (progress on recruiting editors)

Also sprach Chris Wilson:

 > >[1]
 > Håkon, was there some actual proof in there, or just invective?
 > Were you on the purported phone call? Were you actually claiming
 > that Jean Paoli had little to do with XML's development? Can you
 > ever come to the table with Microsoft without claiming some kind of
 > conspiracy or evildoing on our part? Please?

I've been working productivly with MS staff inside W3C WGs for 10
years, and I've always had a good personal relationship with your
people -- yourself included. I hope this will continue in the future.

Still, I've seen many casualties of MS' behavior in the area of web
standards. I think that part of history is worth remembering as well.
Everything I've stated is true.

(As for analyzing MS contributions to XML: it was not my intention to
start a debate on this -- I simply wanted to point out that vendors
has put unjust pressure in private on W3C in the past. For people
interested in the early history of XML, the SGML WG's archives [1] are
valuable. But I suggest we take the discussion some other time.)


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2007 22:15:51 UTC